Colibri and 64-bit programs

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Feb 4, 2016, 6:44:32 PM2/4/16
to Colibri Talk
It might be that I'm the last Colibri user, and writing on this list does not make much sense, but I'll do it for documentation. And I feel bad creating an issue on Github somehow.

Getting a new laptop I'm starting to have 64-bit software around. Colibri seems to have trouble with shortcuts pointing to 64-bit executable, not showing an icon and sometime being unable to run the program that the shortcut is pointing to. I've looked around a bit, and it might be related to the fact that Colibri itself is a 32-bit application, and shortcuts might be too smart:

Michael Walter

Feb 4, 2016, 7:14:49 PM2/4/16
to Colibri Talk
Just chipping in that Colibri is open source ( and that I am happy to accept patches ;-)
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