objectorientedcoldfusion.org and coldfusiondesignpatterns.org

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Kevan Stannard

Oct 14, 2011, 8:25:23 AM10/14/11
to coldfu...@googlegroups.com
A while back I kicked off these two sites and had a lot of fun putting them together but I don't have time to continue working on them any more, so I am looking for ideas on what to do.

I was considering shifting the actual content (remove all the stub pages) over to github site and leave it open for anyone to contribute, but realistically I am not convinced that would work.

I want to keep the sites non-commercial and ideally focused on educating the CF community, but I'm more than happy to consider other ideas.

I really don't want these to remain up indefinitely as they are to become outdated misinformation over time so I'd prefer to shut them down.

Otherwise I'd love to hear your suggestions.



Sharon DiOrio

Mar 9, 2012, 10:19:57 AM3/9/12
to coldfu...@googlegroups.com
Well, I think the information is still pretty valuable.  I'm getting someone up to speed on object-oriented CF right now and these references are invaluable for that. I still refer to them every now and then to refresh a concept.  Not everybody has been doing this stuff for years and knows it cold.  

You do have a valid point about them becoming outdated.  CF9.01 changed a *lot* of OO coding, and CF10 is looking to change it even more.  Could you, perhaps, move the site to more of a Wiki type approach?  That way the community can pitch in and keep it current.  Even just adding the ability to comment on the pages, we could throw in more current code examples to supplement.  Heck, now that I think about it, it might even make sense to have a section on Wikipedia for this.  Heck, everything on Wikipedia is given more credence, isn't it?

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