[coldbox 4.2.0] How to log codeerrors wthin views via logbox, if an errortemplate is used

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2016年8月9日 06:35:462016/8/9
收件人 ColdBox Platform
I upgraded from cb3.8 to cb4.2 and found that errors that occur within view-templates are not automatically logged with logbox. How can I do that?
Thanks, Martin

Luis Majano

2016年8月9日 11:08:182016/8/9
收件人 coldbox
It all depends how you have configured LogBox martin, can you share your LogBox confriguration
On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 5:35 AM, <ms.9...@gmail.com> wrote:
I upgraded from cb3.8 to cb4.2 and found that errors that occur within view-templates are not automatically logged with logbox. How can I do that?
Thanks, Martin

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2016年8月10日 02:03:502016/8/10
收件人 ColdBox Platform
logBox =
    // Define Appenders
    appenders =
        /*coldboxTracer =
            class = "coldbox.system.logging.appenders.ColdboxTracerAppender"
        }, */
        LogMail =
            class = "coldbox.system.logging.appenders.EmailAppender", properties =
                subject = "Fehler in ueberwachung-Infobase", from = "ueberwachu...@xxx.de", to = "ad...@xxx.de"
            }, levelMin = "FATAL", levelMax = "FATAL"
        },LogMail2 =
            class = "coldbox.system.logging.appenders.EmailAppender", properties =
                subject = "Fehler in ueberwachung-Infobase", from = "ueberwachu...@xxx.de", to = "info...@xxx.de"
            }, levelMin = "FATAL", levelMax = "ERROR"
        }, LogFile =
            class = "coldbox.system.logging.appenders.FileAppender",  properties =
                filePath = "/wartung_files/logfiles/", filename = "logfile", fileEncoding = "UTF-8", autoExpand = 'true', fileMaxSize = '2000', fileMaxArchives = '20'
            }, levelMin = "FATAL", levelMax = "WARN"
        }, LogDB =
            class = "coldbox.system.logging.appenders.DBAppender", properties =
            { async=true,
                dsn = "ueberwachung_2013", table = "tb_coldboxlog", autocreate = false
            }, levelMin = "FATAL", levelMax = "WARN"
    // Root Logger
    root =
        levelmin = "FATAL", levelmax = "WARN", appenders = "*"


Luis Majano

2016年8月10日 11:14:162016/8/10
收件人 coldbox

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 1:03 AM, <ms.9...@gmail.com> wrote:
    levelmin = "FATAL", levelmax = "WARN", appenders = "*"

do you have a small test case we can reproduce?

Brad Wood

2016年8月10日 23:31:282016/8/10
收件人 ColdBox Platform
Do you have an exception handler configured in your config/ColdBox.cfc file like so:

exceptionHandler = "main.onException",

ColdBox will only automatically log the error if you do NOT have a n exception handler.  If you do have an exception handler, it's up to you to log the error yourself.  

function onException(){
log.error( prc.exception.getMessage(), prc.exception );


2016年8月11日 02:23:162016/8/11
收件人 ColdBox Platform
I have an exception-handler configured. Thanks Brad, "log.error( prc.exception.getMessage(), prc.exception )" is what I wanted to know.
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