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Meeting 6:30 pm Tues, 14 March: NixOS

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Ben Francis

Mar 13, 2023, 8:04:21 PM3/13/23
This month's topic is the NixOS Linux distribution, given by Matt Friede:

"NixOS is a declarative operating system built around the nix tool
with the largest and most up-to-date package repository out there. I
will be giving an introduction and overview of the OS as well as my
favorite tool, nix-diff, which can give a detailed diff of our entire
production system"

I look forward to seeing everyone at:


Ben Francis

Mar 14, 2023, 11:29:11 PM3/14/23
This is the most significant presentation I've seen since the Docker presentation nine years ago. It's really amazing stuff, completely validating Linus' decision to only work on the kernel and let others innovate on top of it. KVM, Systemd, Docker, Gnome, KDE, and now NixOS are just a few of the projects leveraging the clear boundary between the kernel proper and the rest of the system.

Being able to roll back the entire OS to what it was two boots ago is quite an accomplishment.

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