Koin3D, a java port of Coin3D

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Jul 8, 2018, 1:35:21 PM7/8/18
to coin3d-discuss

I am developing a java port of Coin3D, Koin3D :

This is a continuation of previous project jSceneGraph, which was a java port of Open Inventor code provided by MeVisLab.

Koin3D uses LWJGL for rendering, and the viewer uses eclipse SWT.

The main directories are jscenegraph and jsceneviewer, for the scene graph classes and the SWT viewer classes.

The other directories are dependencies and examples.

At the moment the code is mostly identical to the one of jSceneGraph, but the final objective is to get as close as possible with the code of Coin3D 4, in order to gain shadows, shaders, and so on.

Long live Coin3D !

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