FW: [SCA-Northshield] Social Media Officers

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Daniel Topp

Mar 12, 2023, 6:09:55 PM3/12/23
to Canton Mailing Group Google



From: 'Wesley Adams' via The Northshield Hall <sca-nor...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2023 3:36 PM
To: Northshield Hall <sca-nor...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [SCA-Northshield] Social Media Officers



We are looking for a few good social media officers (SMO), both locally and regionally. If you are a paid member and are an admin for your local group's Facebook page and/or group, then you are already doing over 90% of the job of a local SMO. Please consider becoming a warranted local SMO. The office only reports once a year, at Domesday. Having an official local SMO provides the Kingdom and Regional SMO's with a point of contact for any updates in social media policy at the Society or Kingdom level.


We are also looking for Regional SMO's for all three regions, Western (MB, ND, SD), Central (MN, ON) and Eastern (WI, MI). Duties include being a resource person for local SMO's, insuring SCA and NS social media policy is being followed, insuring access to the local social media platforms, and assisting the kingdom SMO with collecting information for their quarterly reports. 


If you wish to apply to be a Regional SMO, or have any questions about being a social media officer at any level, please contact the kingdom social media officer, Baroness Ceolwen, at socia...@northshield.org .


In Service,



The Hon. Lord Arnbjørn Karlsson 
Kingdom Chronicler

Archery Captain, Thrown Weapons Captain
Order of the Hand of Tyr & Order of the Aquila et Fulmen

Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr, Kingdom of Northshield
Non mittet angelus, quia ego iacio retro.
Do not shoot the messenger, for I shoot back.)

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