Summer of Code mentors

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Chris Smith

Apr 2, 2019, 12:23:59 PM4/2/19
Hey everyone,

We already have a few draft proposals submitted for Summer of Code working on CodeWorld.  One thing that would strengthen any of these applications is an existing relationship with a mentor who has relevant experience in the Haskell community.

If you're willing to consider mentoring a Summer of Code student this summer, can I ask you to reply and say so, and summarize what kinds of projects and technologies you would be excited to help with?  It would be a great resource for students who are looking to connect with the community but don't know where to start.


Chris Smith

Apr 2, 2019, 12:26:23 PM4/2/19
I'll start!

I'm Chris Smith, and I started the CodeWorld project.  I'm willing to be a mentor for pretty much any project related to CodeWorld, and I've worked on it all.  There are some projects where I would not be qualified, though, such as anything that involves working with GHC internals, or UX/UI design with JavaScript.  For projects in these areas, I'd definitely be a secondary mentor, but you would also want a mentor with skills in those specific areas of work.
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