where is the generated video?

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Apr 3, 2009, 1:52:25 AM4/3/09
to codeswarm
I just installed and ran code_swarm from git://github.com/rictic/code_swarm.git
on my project
The code builds and I see a pop-up video with my code visualization.
once it stops the video disappears and I don't know where it is...

Michael Ogawa

Apr 3, 2009, 2:50:41 AM4/3/09
to slava, codeswarm
You need to modify the config file. Set TakeSnapshots=true. The frames
will be in the SnapshotLocation.

You will need to use another program to compile the images into a
video. Most use mencoder or ffmpeg. See


Peter Burns

Apr 3, 2009, 10:34:40 AM4/3/09
to codeswarm
If you ran code_swarm with the 'code_swarm' command then the config
file will be in .svn/.code_swarm (or .git, _darcs, .hg depending on
the VCS you're using)

You'll know it's saving images out when the visualization is a bit
slower due to the extra work of encoding the pngs. The images
location is determined by the SnapshotLocation variable. Unless you
specify an absolute path the images will be stored relative to where
code_swarm is installed, not relative to where you're running the
visualization. By default it's code_swarm/code_swarm_frames/*.png


On Apr 2, 7:50 pm, Michael Ogawa <michael.og...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You need to modify the config file. Set TakeSnapshots=true. The frames
> will be in the SnapshotLocation.
> You will need to use another program to compile the images into a
> video. Most use mencoder or ffmpeg. Seehttp://code.google.com/p/codeswarm/wiki/GeneratingAVideo
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