git repository

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Peter Burns

Jul 26, 2008, 7:55:55 AM7/26/08
to codeswarm
I've created a git repository with all of the commits from the svn
repo, plus a few commits all my own. I'll be periodically pulling in
commits from the svn repository, keeping it up to date.

My commits have so far been mostly documentation and refactoring.
Anyway, feel free to clone, pull, patch, and fork. :)

Peter Burns

Sep 2, 2008, 7:09:09 AM9/2/08
to codeswarm
An outline of the changes and additions I've made that you might find
useful (more detail at

=== Performance ===

• When taking snapshots of each frame, the image rendering is done in
background threads, which cuts runtime and delay significantly,
especially on multiprocessor machines. *now in svn

• If you specify that the repository XML is sorted by date with a
config option, the xml is loaded as a stream, only keeping a few
elements in memory at a time. This eliminates the long startup time
for large xml files, and cuts memory usage consistently down to about
50MB on my system (more if taking snapshots, naturally)

• Added a new physics engine: PhysicsEngineOrderly, which is a faster,
if simpler and less beautiful version of PhysicsEngineLegacy, suitable
for larger visualizations with more files on the screen
simultaneously. Specifically, it doesn't do any collision detection
for files and thus isn't forced to do N^2 operations

=== Ease of use ===

• Added a new script named simply "code_swarm" that you can run in the
base directory of a source-controlled repository and it will
• figure out what sort of source control you're using
• create a repository xml file and a default config file
• start the visualization for you

=== Code Style ===

• Eliminated a bunch of repetition and copy-pasted code, mostly in
code_swarm.setup() and in the various physics engines. As a result,
even with all of this work it's 100 fewer lines of code shorter than
svn head

=== Misc ===

• Improved the README file's grammar a bit and added a section on the
• Got the histogram working when rendering under OpenGL
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