minimal distance between developers ?

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Nov 6, 2009, 4:53:10 PM11/6/09
to codeswarm
trying to visualise some repository, i encountered a problem where
developers would often drift one over the other, thus creating
unreadable output.
as the project has only few developers, they all gather in the middle
of the screen, overlap, and edges are empty. is it possible to set
some sort of minimal distance or "negative gravity" at close distances
to prevent that from happening ?

Michael Ogawa

Nov 6, 2009, 10:43:29 PM11/6/09
to Richlv, codeswarm
I don't think there's a specific property you can set for that. You
could try using different physics engines and see what happens.



Nov 9, 2009, 8:53:17 AM11/9/09
to Michael Ogawa, codeswarm
On 2009.11.07. 00:43, Michael Ogawa wrote:
> I don't think there's a specific property you can set for that. You
> could try using different physics engines and see what happens.

i tried different engines and playing with their parameters, but i
couldn't make developers "repel".
i suspect this might be possible with the parameters, but given that i
do not know what the parameters actually mean, it's quite hard to figure
out the correct combination.

> Michael
> On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 8:53 AM, Richlv <> wrote:
>> trying to visualise some repository, i encountered a problem where
>> developers would often drift one over the other, thus creating
>> unreadable output.
>> as the project has only few developers, they all gather in the middle
>> of the screen, overlap, and edges are empty. is it possible to set
>> some sort of minimal distance or "negative gravity" at close distances
>> to prevent that from happening ?
>> --
>> Rich



Nov 11, 2009, 4:55:39 PM11/11/09
to Michael Ogawa, codeswarm
On 2009.11.07. 00:43, Michael Ogawa wrote:
> I don't think there's a specific property you can set for that. You
> could try using different physics engines and see what happens.

ok, so now i've played with all physics engines and most of their
parameters, but i can't get developers to "stay away" from each other :)

otherwise the video turns out quite nice, but developer overlapping is
bugging me.
i looked for what others are doing, and it seems that nobody has tried
to introduce some minimal distance.

i even looked at the simple physics engine code, but that was pretty
much useless to me - so if anybody has some insight, i'd really
appreciate that...

> Michael
> On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 8:53 AM, Richlv <> wrote:
>> trying to visualise some repository, i encountered a problem where
>> developers would often drift one over the other, thus creating
>> unreadable output.
>> as the project has only few developers, they all gather in the middle
>> of the screen, overlap, and edges are empty. is it possible to set
>> some sort of minimal distance or "negative gravity" at close distances
>> to prevent that from happening ?
>> --
>> Rich

Oliver Nicholas

Jun 24, 2011, 8:40:08 PM6/24/11
to, Michael Ogawa
was there ever a resolution to this issue?  i have a large project (starts with 1 developer and by the end has about 70), and i'm wondering if there are any techniques to reduce the overlap of Person nodes.


Jun 25, 2011, 10:29:18 AM6/25/11

i didn't find a way to prevent developer "overlap". playing with some
parameters i could slightly reduce it, but the difference was very
small, especially over longer period of time.

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