Letting the animation taper off at the end...

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Aleksandar Todorovic

Oct 16, 2009, 3:41:42 AM10/16/09
to codeswarm
Hi everyone,
first of all a huge thank you to Michael as well as all other
contributors to this project, it's an amazing way to visualize changes
to the codebase...

I do have one question, is it at all possible to let the last commit
that's being rendered move towards the as it normally would if there's
more data in the activity.xml file?


Michael Ogawa

Oct 17, 2009, 2:49:56 AM10/17/09
to codeswarm
Hi Aleksandar,

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoy it.

I'm not 100% clear about the question. As of r255, code_swarm keeps
running, past the end of the last commit, until all entities fade.
During this time, the date label shows "End of history:
last_commit_date". Is this what you want to see?


Aleksandar Todorovic

Oct 17, 2009, 3:29:53 AM10/17/09
to codeswarm
Oh my bad then, I've actually been running quite an old revision, as
the look that I was going for seems to have changed somewhat with the
newer codebase. I believe I'm running rev34 with processing being used
for the rendering engine.

I'll c/o the svn again and try it with the latest commit Michael.

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