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Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso

Oct 12, 2008, 10:48:10 AM10/12/08
to Octave Maintainers List, codeswarm
Just a couple of things, the video that I uploaded


took close to an hour to render, and it has some mistakes that I since
fixed in convert_logs.py (you'll see the small errors when two people
with the same name aren't recognised as such) and there's also the
small business that Paul Kienzle is creditted once only as "Kienzle".

I'll try to upload a fixed video later, hopefully one that goes all
the way to the present and we can really see how all the coders really
got working during the last few years.

Also, it's kinda long running time at 12 minutes plus the 4 years of
coding that are missing. I'll try to see later if I can compress 16
years of Octave development into 5 minutes of video. ;-)

- Jordi G. H.

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