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How to test LAMP stack application performance using Codespeed?

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Roopa Shekhawat

Jul 28, 2020, 10:06:47 AM7/28/20
to codespeed

We are planning to use Codespeed ( ) for analysing and monitoring code of LAMP stack web application (Linux,Apache,MySQL, PHP). I have gone through the documentation, but I couldn't find any reference for using it for LAMP application.

Where are we supposed to do linking of Codespeed with our application? Or in which folder our application needs to be placed?

Miquel Torres

Aug 8, 2020, 12:57:57 PM8/8/20
Once you have the codespeed application running on your own server, you can store the results of your benchmarks as described in the README:

Does that help further?

El mar., 28 jul. 2020 a las 16:06, Roopa Shekhawat (<>) escribió:

We are planning to use Codespeed ( ) for analysing and monitoring code of LAMP stack web application (Linux,Apache,MySQL, PHP). I have gone through the documentation, but I couldn't find any reference for using it for LAMP application.

Where are we supposed to do linking of Codespeed with our application? Or in which folder our application needs to be placed?

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