Inconsistent coloring between timeline and comparison

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Gary Chen

Aug 20, 2021, 1:06:25 PM8/20/21
to codespeed

I have an issue with codespeed coloring of the graph on timeline and comparison. I have two plots on the timeline page, one that is a baseline and one that isn't. The one that is the baseline is a yellow/orange color and the other one is blue. On the comparison page, it seems that the colors are reversed, the baseline is a blue color and the other is yellow/orange. Despite it being labeled correctly on both pages, it is confusing. Is there a way to make the colors consistent across both pages?


Miquel Torres

Aug 22, 2021, 8:18:37 AM8/22/21
to codespeed
Hi Gary,

there is currently no way. The problem is that timeline defines a baseline color here:

comparison does not so the default is used.
We could set it for comparison as well.
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