> Hello, again. I'm working with 0.8.1 and am having issues having the result
> date be anything other than the time that I upload the data.
What is the problem?
> In my dictionary for uploading data, I have revision_date commented out
> since it's optional anyway, and
> result_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(revdate) where revdate is some time
> other than the current time.
Can you please be a bit more specific? I just saved data w/
e. g.: result_date = datetime(2008, 3, 2)
Works fine.
Maybe you expect the result shown in the graph w/ it's result_date ?
Codespeed sorts it by revision_date.
Frank Becker <f...@alien8.de> (jabber|mail) | http://twitter.com/41i3n8
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"> Freedom is just chaos, with better lighting. <" Alan Dean Foster
I just checked (and improved upon) the unit test for custom result-
and revision_date. It is working well, both for master and 0.8.1.
As Frank asked, can you give us more details?
2011/7/15 Frank Becker <f...@alien8.de>: