June 22nd Lesson

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Cameron McEfee

Jun 23, 2013, 2:36:07 PM6/23/13
to coderdoj...@googlegroups.com
Hi Everyone,

We had a great time in our last session. If you were not able to attend but would like to follow along with our lessons as we do them, here is lesson we did this week: https://github.com/CoderDojoSF/build-your-adventure/tree/master/lessons/1-maps

This first session was a little bit slower, as the first portion was spent helping people get their computers set up. Once set up, the lesson itself only took about 15 minutes. The rest of the time was devoted to customizing. If you're following along at home, we suggest picking out the name of your character, the name of your game, and perhaps the type of universe you want your character to live in. Having these ideas picked out will help set the goals you try to achieve as you customize your game.

If you have questions about the lesson or feel that some information was left out, please feel free to discuss it on GitHub here: https://github.com/CoderDojoSF/build-your-adventure/issues/1

We'll be opening up a few tickets to the waitlist for this next session. If you're one of the ones that get a ticket, we recommend going through this lesson so you can be up to speed with the rest of the group.

We look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!

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