Problem: New theme.xml way for team editing

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Sep 11, 2013, 10:36:02 PM9/11/13
We work in a team environment so we started using the new Theme.xml way when working on theme file. 
XML way seemed like a great idea at first, but we are having major issues with conflicts while merging. 

My guess is because of the way XML document gets generated each time, it shifts the orders and inserts so this throws git and other diff tools out whack. There is 100s of conflicts all over place and its really hard to hunt down which change goes where. It takes longer just to fix the conflicts then it is to recreate the theme elements by hand. 
I don't know if something can be done to the xml so that new elements are maybe always on the bottom so this way minimizes the randomness ?

My question is if there is a better solution to this because in its current state it is unusable to us. 

I do appreciate you guys trying to get this solved but I am not sure this is working out as it is now. 


Shai Almog

Sep 12, 2013, 12:38:46 AM9/12/13
Thanks for the feedback. Can you please file an issue on this?
Currently the resource file is somewhat random so this is obviously a bit of a problem. However when serializing to XML we can probably sort the data which should effectively solve this issue.
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