Can you improve the blog section of the website?

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Oct 19, 2015, 12:05:18 PM10/19/15
to CodenameOne Discussions

I find myself having to poll the CN1 website regularly to see if there's a new blog post. And each time I do that, I feel there should be a better way. How about:
  • Email notifications
  • Feed subscriptions
  • A side menu that allows easier navigation to previous posts and gives an overview
  • More consistent use of tags (there are tags on the page but they are not updated, for example, the "windows" tag gives completely no results.
  • Other options?
Please make it easier for us to keep track of what's happening.... The monthly newsletters are usually way after the fact which is often late.

PS: While you're at it, maybe you should also add more tags for this group. The current list of tags is very limited and apparently, we're not allowed to add ours...


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Shai Almog

Oct 19, 2015, 11:32:26 PM10/19/15
to CodenameOne Discussions
we blocked tagging in google groups because of a bug in the groups system a while back that caused the whole interface to come to a standstill (this took forever to discover).

We have a mailing list you can register for at the bottom of the website, we send monthly emails.
Our RSS for blog posts is here: it should be visible in the site, I use feedly and do get notifications all the time.
Every post we make to the blog is cross posted to @Codename_One,, linked in etc.

I guess we didn't tag anything as windows which is a bit odd, the tag cloud on the right is hard coded from our choices. Since its mostly me writing the blog posts I'm kind of lazy in tagging and not very imaginative with that.

I'd love to have proper full site search option as an option and have some ideas on how this should work with our current website architecture but its a non-trivial task for which I just don't have the time.


Oct 22, 2015, 6:42:51 AM10/22/15
to CodenameOne Discussions
By the way, for anyone who might stumble on this: I found a solution that works for me using an IFTTT trigger that notifies me by mail of new blog posts (see
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