SpanButton Hebrew characters

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Ismael Baum

Dec 1, 2013, 5:04:36 AM12/1/13

Hey, I just encountered an interesting (funny?) problem.  : )

I wanted to make a text area that responded like a button (on touch / on click).  So I thought of trying the SpanButton and just changing the UIID to a new one I created.  I set a True Type font I have in my project, aligned left, white background, margins, padding, etc...

So, when I don't change the UIID I get a normal multi-line button with a button look, as expected.  But when I use mine it changes to white background, not really sure about the font, it remains on center-alignment and what really surprises me is it changes to Hebrew characters.

Is this a problem with the SpanButton?  Am I missing something?  Or perhaps I should do a "clickable" text area in a different way?

I think it's a surprising error (funny though), so I really don't have any ideas on how to fix it.

The actionPerformed is working well by the way, it's just the look of the button that's giving me trouble.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Shai Almog

Dec 1, 2013, 2:04:00 PM12/1/13
SpanButton/Label are composite components which means they are composed of a container with several components within to create the actual component.
This works OK for the most part but you need to customize several different UIID's for everything to fit.
There are setters for the additional UIID's in SpanLabel but they seem to missing in SpanButton, I'll add them for the next update coming out this week.

Ismael Baum

Dec 2, 2013, 4:59:16 AM12/2/13
Oh, interesting, I didn't realize they were composite components.  I guess I'll try working around it or just leave that for later.  Thanks a lot Shai.
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