issue in gradient and also with custom images

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Akash Kubavat

Oct 12, 2014, 11:35:43 PM10/12/14

If you are experiencing an issue please mention the full platform your issue applies to:
IDE: NetBeans
Desktop OS: WIN8
Simulator : no issue
Device: all devices have issue

Hi Shai,

My company is Pro user of Codename One

We are having issue in screen navigation and performance

First, we implemented by defining custom components and setting image in .res theme via Codename One Designer. Which worked perfectly on Simulator. Now when we tested it in our real device the screen is freezing in half way (see attached img1.png) and it remain on screen until we touch the device's screen. Once we touch it then it shows full screen(attached img2.png).

Second, then we tried by adding native simple theme, no custom component, and every thing worked perfectly.! Then to make a list item separate we add the gradient into renderer component which looks ok in simulator but again in real device all gradient and Line border was gone.

Please can you suggest some better suggestion so that we can not loose app performance specially look-wise and also screen navigation-wise.

Let me know if you want any screen shots / detail.

FYI: My netbeans and codename one plugin both are latest updated and its on auto-update.

Img1                                                                                                                                 Img2


Shai Almog

Oct 13, 2014, 8:20:51 AM10/13/14
if you are a pro user you can also use the support email when you need faster assistance.

I suggest you don't use gradients at all and instead use images, gradients perform badly and take up more RAM than images. You can see some discussion of performance implications of various features here:

I'll need to know more about your custom components and what it is exactly that you do there, I'm guessing you invoke repaint within them or violate the EDT in some way (did you test with the EDT violation tool in the simulator?).

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