build web app for ios requires an Apple OS and vcode

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Mark Bolduc

Apr 4, 2020, 1:36:44 PM4/4/20
to CodenameOne Discussions
If you are experiencing an issue please mention the full platform your issue applies to:
IDE: NetBeans/Eclipse/IDEA Netbeans 11
Desktop OS Windows 10 Pro
Simulator latest
Device IOS

Can't you publish this app on the app store?

The Android app is very nice and easy.

The process to make ths work on IOS is not within our current capabilities.


Shai Almog

Apr 4, 2020, 10:27:32 PM4/4/20
to CodenameOne Discussions
Our apps are native not web apps. You don't need a mac to build or install an iOS app either. You just need an iOS/Mac device for the two factor authentication portion.
You also need an iOS developer account from Apple so you can generate a certificate/provisioning. You also need an Apple device so you can answer the 2-factor authorization process from Apple.

Mark Bolduc

Apr 5, 2020, 9:17:08 AM4/5/20
to CodenameOne Discussions
Understood, however in the process of submitting the app to the app store I have to upload the build using tools that require install OSX Mavericks ISO as a virtual machine, then running altool, transporter, xcode etc.

My question is do you have an app the installs and behaves the same as on the Android system?

My app is ready for submission on apple store once I can upload the builds.


Mark Bolduc

Apr 5, 2020, 5:57:13 PM4/5/20
to CodenameOne Discussions
What a headache it is working with Apple.

After 3 hour of trying to run MAC OSX on a VM I have concluded Apple only wants you to buy their hardware.

Is ther any reason why you can't publish your Android app on IOS?

Is the an Apple constraint that you must use TestFlight?


Shai Almog

Apr 6, 2020, 12:37:07 AM4/6/20
to CodenameOne Discussions
You can install locally, you don't need test flight to install a test app.
To ship the app you need a mac but you can use something like mac in cloud which is pretty easy.

We have an RFE to do that one last piece of upload which is missing from our stack. Frankly there isn't enough demand for that from paying users to justify the amount of work required. We could do it in theory.

Dave Dyer

Apr 8, 2020, 11:37:00 PM4/8/20
to CodenameOne Discussions
I concur that it's a pain that you need a real mac for 5 minutes each release cycle, just to upload the app.
I've wasted lots of hours playing with macs running in VMs, and maybe got it to work just once.

Mac In cloud is the way to go, or scan ebay for a not too old mac you can run; but a an old one
probably can't run the necessary uploader version.

Sadly, one of the differences between the Microsoft and Apple is that Apple has always opted
to screw the developers and make their current platform cleaner and simpler for them to maintain.

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