I am testing my CN1 app on the iOS simulator.
I had many lines like
System.out.println("something to be logged");
throughout the app.
I replaced all those lines with static calls to
that just wraps the println instruction with an if condition like
if (logAllowed) System.out.println(param);
I put logAllowed=true just inside the MyLog method.
The log messages are printed in the CN1 simulator console
but I cannot see such console messages on the iOS simulator.
It is likely it does not depend on the Utils.MyLog call (or it is because it is static?).
So is there something that can prevent the logging from appearing in the iOS simulator console? I do not see any message, not even the usual messages from CN1 or the system.
But the Swift version of my app correctly logs as usual on the same iOS simulator instance.
Thanks in advance