GUI Designer will no longer launch

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Craig Lang

Jul 30, 2015, 10:17:58 PM7/30/15
to CodenameOne Discussions
Not sure what happened but for some reason, when I installed the new CN1, the GUI builder will no longer start.
When I double click on the theme.res it does nothing except displays the hourglass for about a second.
Same if I right click and try the 'open', 'open with...' or 'open designer' menu items.
(Not sure if there's a log file somewhere that records what happens when the GUI builder tries to open)

After wrestling with this for a while, I finally:
 - Cleared out my entire Eclipse and CN1 installations and reinstalled.
 - Created a new workspace and new CN1 project
However, I'm still getting the same problem.

I tried creating a test project with the Java 8 Project checkbox both checked and unchecked.
It didn't seem to make any difference.

There must be some fundamental configuration item that got whacked (perhaps connected with installing the new version of Eclipse or CN1, but who knows...). Open to suggestions on what could have happened.

Essential Stats:
IDE Version: Eclipse Mars Release (4.5.0)
Build id: 20150621-1200
Using 64 bit Windows 8.1

 - Craig

Shai Almog

Jul 31, 2015, 12:14:21 AM7/31/15
to CodenameOne Discussions,
We just updated the plugin today. We're looking to see if there is a regression.
As a workaround you can launch the designer using:
java -jar c:\myUserHomeDirectory\.codenameone\designer_1.jar


Jul 31, 2015, 2:05:33 AM7/31/15
to Shai Almog, CodenameOne Discussions
Hi Shai,

Thanks for your reply.
After I posted the issue, I found a solution. I didn't get the chance to update my post with what I found. It would be good so that others will have access to that solution. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had this problem.

I got it to work using a work-around I read in a forum post I had missed earlier.
Correcting the -vm to the and java.home variables in my eclipse.ini file to point to the older version of Java worked okay. Thanks for the heads-up.

It really had me going for about a day. I think when my Java updater downloaded a new version of java, it clobbered the JAVA_HOME environment variable. That all happened at about the same time as I had upgraded a couple of other pieces of software on my machine. So it took me quite some time to sort out what had clobbered what.

It all surfaced as I was working on a project and my GUI designer froze. I shut down Eclipse and tried to restart it, and found it wouldn't restart. I traced that problem to the java version problem, but not before I had fully reinstalled both Eclipse and CN1 (Upgrading both in the process).
Eventually I found the posting in the forum about the java versions.

Don't you just love computers.... :-)

Thanks for your reply
- Craig Lang
Horizon Technologies
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Sent from my iPad
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