ios screenshots

조회수 8회
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읽지 않음,
2019. 2. 10. 오전 1:37:0919. 2. 10.
받는사람 CodenameOne Discussions
It's been well over a year since I've had the misfortune to try an submit an app update to the App Store.

I was pleasantly surprised when I read in the CN1 manual:

"As of version 5.0 (September 2018), screenshot generation is no longer enabled by default.
Instead, the launch storyboard is used. Therefore much of the following section is no
longer relevant."

When I submitted the update the ITunes Connect didn't complain about screenshots, so I figured the launch storyboard has it covered.

However, the app update has been rejected:

Guideline 2.3.3 - Performance - Accurate Metadata

We noticed that your screenshots do not sufficiently reflect your app in use.

Specifically, your 12.9-inch iPad Pro screenshots do not display the actual app in use and only display a splash screen.

So, my question is, is this my problem or something that should be in the CN1 build process. I know zero about "launch storyboard", and frankly, would be happy to keep it that way if I can :)

Shai Almog

읽지 않음,
2019. 2. 10. 오후 10:31:4019. 2. 10.
받는사람 CodenameOne Discussions
As far as I understand this refers to the screenshots submitted in the meta-data portion of the itunes upload process. One of the "app screenshots" is a splash screen but you need a screenshot that's more descriptive of what you are doing.

읽지 않음,
2019. 2. 11. 오전 12:47:3019. 2. 11.
받는사람 CodenameOne Discussions
OK, thanks. I've misunderstood the Launch Storyboard and meta-data screenshots. All good now, I think.
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