Crash on iOS7 using sockets

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Dario Ogniben

Aug 7, 2014, 3:37:04 AM8/7/14
Hi, i have an issue with CN1 using sockets on iOS.
Everything works fine on the simulator, but when i build and deploy on an iPhone5 with iOS7 the app crashes on Socket.connect(...)
On the app side i have a button that once pressed triggers this action:

    protected void onGUI1_ConnectButtonAction(Component c, ActionEvent event) {       
                    Socket.connect("", 3333, new SocketConnection() {
                        public void connectionError(int errorCode, String message) {

                        public void connectionEstablished(InputStream is, OutputStream os) {

The action makes the app crash with the following report:

ReportCrash[4147] <Notice>: ReportCrash acting against PID 4146
ReportCrash[4147] <Notice>: Formulating crash report for process HS3Application[4146][1] (UIKitApplication:hs3[0x58cf][4146]) <Warning>: (UIKitApplication:hs3[0x58cf]) Job appears to have crashed: Bus error: 10
backboardd[28] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:hs3[0x58cf]' exited abnormally with signal 10: Bus error: 10

Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: Hardware Model:      iPhone5,2
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: Process:             HS3Application [4146]
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: Path:                /var/mobile/Applications/38B4F6E7-0EAC-43CF-93AB-B4A75DF2DD99/
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: Identifier:          HS3Application
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: Version:             ???
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: Code Type:           ARM (Native)
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: Parent Process:      launchd [1]
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: Date/Time:           2014-08-07 09:13:09.159 +0200
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: OS Version:          iOS 7.0 (11A465)
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: Report Version:      104
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: Exception Subtype: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x05237ffc
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: Triggered by Thread:  9
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: Thread 9 Crashed:
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 0   CoreFoundation                    0x304f4dd8 0x304f0000 + 19928
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 1   CoreFoundation                    0x3056db86 0x304f0000 + 514950
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 2   CoreFoundation                    0x304f5816 0x304f0000 + 22550
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 3   CFNetwork                         0x301b7198 0x30186000 + 201112
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 4   CFNetwork                         0x301b7b3c 0x30186000 + 203580
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 5   CFNetwork                         0x30214acc 0x30186000 + 584396
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 6   CFNetwork                         0x301b7a22 0x30186000 + 203298
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 7   CFNetwork                         0x3025e462 0x30186000 + 885858
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 8   CFNetwork                         0x301b94d6 0x30186000 + 210134
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 9   CFNetwork                         0x3025e238 0x30186000 + 885304
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 10  CoreFoundation                    0x3050bebe 0x304f0000 + 114366
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 11  CoreFoundation                    0x3054d79e 0x304f0000 + 382878
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 12  CoreFoundation                    0x3058ab90 0x304f0000 + 633744
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 13  HS3Application                    0x005a67a0 0xfb000 + 4896672
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 14  HS3Application                    0x005a54ba 0xfb000 + 4891834
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 15  HS3Application                    0x002c5e1e 0xfb000 + 1879582
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 16  HS3Application                    0x0037769c 0xfb000 + 2606748
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: 17  HS3Application                    0x003776c8 0xfb000 + 2606792

The last line appears identical on the next 500 linese, then:

Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>: Thread 9 crashed with ARM Thread State (32-bit):
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>:     r0: 0xffffffff    r1: 0x00000028      r2: 0x3b075f68      r3: 0x00000002
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>:     r4: 0x02002880    r5: 0x3b060000      r6: 0x16d875d0      r7: 0x05238028
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>:     r8: 0x16d875d4    r9: 0x00000086     r10: 0x16d875d4     r11: 0x00000001
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>:     ip: 0x3aff2838    sp: 0x05237fe8      lr: 0x3056db89      pc: 0x304f4dd8
Aug  7 09:13:09 iPhoneDO ReportCrash[4147] <Error>:   cpsr: 0x60000030

That's all. For my app is fundamental the socket communication, so i started from that but i'm quite blocked.
Thanks for any help or advice you can give.


Aug 7, 2014, 10:50:13 AM8/7/14
I also tried Steve Hannah CN1Sockets implementation, but my test app crashes with the following error:

HS3Application[4851] <Error>: -[ca_weblite_codename1_net_impl_NativeSocketImpl isInputStreamShutdown]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x15d7ad80
HS3Application[4851] <Error>: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[ca_weblite_codename1_net_impl_NativeSocketImpl isInputStreamShutdown]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x15d7ad80'

Anyone has more luck with CN1 sockets and iOS 7 ?
I forgot to mention (if may be important) that my builds are sent by IntelliJ 13.0


Steve Hannah

Aug 7, 2014, 10:58:18 AM8/7/14
I haven't had any problems with the CN1Sockets on iOS 7.   Can you post a simple test case that is failing for you and I'll take a look?  Are you on the newVM or the old one?



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Steve Hannah
Web Lite Solutions Corp.

Aug 7, 2014, 11:49:45 AM8/7/14
Hi Steve, thank you for your interest!

I solved the previous problem by slightly changing a line on ca_weblite_codename1_net_impl_NativeSocketImpl.m, from:

    return ![self isInputStreamShutdown] && ![self isOutputStreamShutdown];


    return ![self isInputShutdown] && ![self isOutputShutdown];

Now the isSocketConnected method seems to work fine. I have another problem that i'm investigating, but it could be due to a firewall policy.
I'm using the old VM and a simple test case, a button that when pressed tries to establish a socket connection.

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