What is 'includeantruntime' is for ?

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Sep 25, 2013, 9:45:11 AM9/25/13
to codenameone...@googlegroups.com
I tried my first HiWorld app, and it build successful and runs in simulator. But I see this warning :


javac] C:\Users\Administrator\workspace\HiiOSWorld\build.xml:129: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds

I found but couldn't find where and why to set includeantruntime. Can anyone help me know what is it meant for  ?


Also as right now am not able to set JAVA_HOME in env variables, so I set the same in build.xml. And tried for "Send iOS Debug", in Eclipse it showed me  BUILD SUCCESFUL, but in codename site under Build Stats, after few secs it showed me ERROR. And the errorlog is :

Executing: javac -classpath /var/folders/c7/72_tbsfn6dj4grkd0mvhf07c0000gn/T/build2002193377008702454xxx/classes -d /var/folders/c7/72_tbsfn6dj4grkd0mvhf07c0000gn/T/build2002193377008702454xxx/classes /var/folders/c7/72_tbsfn6dj4grkd0mvhf07c0000gn/T/build2002193377008702454xxx/stub/HiiOSWorldStub.java Note: /var/folders/c7/72_tbsfn6dj4grkd0mvhf07c0000gn/T/build2002193377008702454xxx/stub/HiiOSWorldStub.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Executing: javac -classpath /var/folders/c7/72_tbsfn6dj4grkd0mvhf07c0000gn/T/build2002193377008702454xxx/classes -d /var/folders/c7/72_tbsfn6dj4grkd0mvhf07c0000gn/T/build2002193377008702454xxx/seVer /var/folders/c7/72_tbsfn6dj4grkd0mvhf07c0000gn/T/build2002193377008702454xxx/stub/HiiOSWorldStub.java Note: /var/folders/c7/72_tbsfn6dj4grkd0mvhf07c0000gn/T/build2002193377008702454xxx/stub/HiiOSWorldStub.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

The code is HiWorld tutorial and just changed java path in build.xml, no other changes are done in the project. JDK is also 1.6, then what can be deprecated in this. In StateMachineBase class I find few warnings :

Description Resource Path Location Type
The import com.codename1.ui.events is never used StateMachineBase.java /HiiOSWorld/src/generated line 14 Java Problem
Hashtable is a raw type. References to generic type Hashtable<K,V> should be parameterized StateMachineBase.java /HiiOSWorld/src/generated line 221 Java Problem
Hashtable is a raw type. References to generic type Hashtable<K,V> should be parameterized StateMachineBase.java /HiiOSWorld/src/generated line 224 Java Problem
Hashtable is a raw type. References to generic type Hashtable<K,V> should be parameterized StateMachineBase.java /HiiOSWorld/src/generated line 209 Java Problem
Hashtable is a raw type. References to generic type Hashtable<K,V> should be parameterized StateMachineBase.java /HiiOSWorld/src/generated line 210 Java Problem
The import com.codename1.ui.events is never used StateMachine.java /HiiOSWorld/src/userclasses line 9 Java Problem
The import com.codename1.ui is never used StateMachine.java /HiiOSWorld/src/userclasses line 8 Java Problem
Hashtable is a raw type. References to generic type Hashtable<K,V> should be parameterized StateMachineBase.java /HiiOSWorld/src/generated line 236 Java Problem

But this is generated class, so I can't do any changes in it. How do I get rid of these warnings. Deprecated warning also may be because of this ???


What do I do to get things working ??















Shai Almog

Sep 25, 2013, 11:10:28 AM9/25/13
to codenameone...@googlegroups.com, trupt...@gmail.com
the error you got from the build server could be a temporary hiccup from the server.

Most of the warnings you got aren't very significant and shouldn't be the cause for the failure.
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Sep 25, 2013, 3:06:13 PM9/25/13
to codenameone...@googlegroups.com, trupt...@gmail.com
Thanks Shai,
    Yes I think that temporary hiccup got cured and thus  I could build the app and got ipa file, QR code and all.
    Still didn't get any idea of 'includeantruntime' ?????
Can you help me know and understand that part. 

Shai Almog

Sep 25, 2013, 11:38:51 PM9/25/13
to codenameone...@googlegroups.com, trupt...@gmail.com
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