Canot send builds after java update to version 8 and plugin update

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Nov 28, 2015, 12:04:15 AM11/28/15
to CodenameOne Discussions

IDE: NetBeans
Desktop OS: Debian Linux 8
Hi, i had a working environment that i wasn't utilizing since may, a week ago i continued a unfinished project, started by updating my codename one plugin, and then updated my java version to java 8, that was the only change and now, i cant send any builds, the first days, i send my builds but i couldnt see them on my dashboard(in netbeans everything said the builds were send), i kept trying a lot , and also went to my project properties option->login and  submited my credentials , but nothing. I sent a build and it showed the message:

You have a build in progress within the queue. Only one build may be active at a time
/home/luisf/NetBeansProjects/CodenameOne/build.xml:83: Login failed

It was 6 days ago, about an hour ago, i tried again and it still says that i have a build in progress(and still cant see any build on my dashboard).

What could be wrong? i alredy uninstalled and installed the plugin, wentt again to "Login" on the project properties, and nothing

Are the credentials stored in some file? can i change it manually?

As i said, the only change was that i updated my codename one plugin and my java version to 8.

Any tips?


Shai Almog

Nov 28, 2015, 12:20:02 AM11/28/15
to CodenameOne Discussions,
that has nothing to do with Java 8.
The error is: "You have a build in progress within the queue".

Which means a build you sent failed on the build servers and you need to login and cancel it first.

Luis Leal

Nov 28, 2015, 10:30:06 AM11/28/15
to Shai Almog, CodenameOne Discussions
Hi Shai, thanks, i know that's how it sounds like and the solution seems simple...
whats my real problem? that since i updated, i cannot see any build in my dashboard, so i can't cancel the failed one because it's not there to cancel it.
So the message of the build in progress it's my secondary problem probably derived from the first one.
My problem flow it's:

develop apps normally and without problems->been away some months->came back to develop updating CO plugin and java 8->send a build(in netbeans it shows normally,no errors)->login to the server but could not see my build->
->send more builds (for different platforms) but still cant see them in my dashboard-> went to projects properties and selected the "login" option and typed my credentials again->send more builds but still no luck->uninstall and installed again CO plugin->sent more builds but no luck->send a build from a different computer(windows environment) without updating CO or java and the build shows succesfully on my dashboard->returned to my main environment, send another build and it shows the build in progress error->been away a week, send a build again and still showing the build in progress error.

As  you can see my main problem it's that i cannot see any build when i login, in netbeans it sais it was sent succesfully but i just cannot see them in my dashboard.

Created two new projects in netbeans to try and they show the same behavior.

Is there a file where the login credentials are stored? maybe i could try to enter my credentials manually in the file.

Luis Fernando Leal Hernandez

Shai Almog

Nov 28, 2015, 11:51:05 PM11/28/15
to CodenameOne Discussions,,
did you switch users in the past?
We used to echo the current user when sending a build but this broke when we switched to AWS
(this will be fixed in the next update).

If so you are still sending builds to the old user account even if you used the login button.

Luis Leal

Nov 29, 2015, 8:25:04 PM11/29/15
to Shai Almog, CodenameOne Discussions
Hi, thanks for your help, no , i didnt switch users(i only have one), but in my multiple tests, y changed my password, and then pressed the "Login" button to type the new passsword.

I tought the "Login" button was used for enter your credentials, is that done in other place or manually in a file? What could i do to debugg whats happening?

What are the plans for the update you mention? i need to show my customer some progress this week.


Shai Almog

Nov 29, 2015, 10:16:52 PM11/29/15
to CodenameOne Discussions,,
the login button is used to enable the payed options in the UI only. The reasoning is to avoid abuse from users who switch accounts to circumvent quota limitations.

The trick is to login to the old account in the web, change the password then when you send a build you will get an error and you would be able to change the credentials on the next build.

Luis Leal

Nov 29, 2015, 10:24:55 PM11/29/15
to Shai Almog, CodenameOne Discussions
Hi, alredy tried that but still no luck, what are the plans for the update? Or where are the credentials stored(is in a file like build.xml) ? Or any other way to update the credentials?


Shai Almog

Nov 30, 2015, 11:50:43 PM11/30/15
to CodenameOne Discussions,,
We store credentials in java's preferences API which differ based on the OS you are using.

Luis Leal

Nov 30, 2015, 11:58:23 PM11/30/15
to Shai Almog, CodenameOne Discussions
And how can i manually set them? or any suggestions?

On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 10:50 PM, Shai Almog <> wrote:
We store credentials in java's preferences API which differ based on the OS you are using.

Shai Almog

Dec 1, 2015, 12:00:27 AM12/1/15
to CodenameOne Discussions,,
This is OS specific. If you are on Windows just search this group for regedit or registry. On mac its also a bit of a challenge.

Luis Leal

Dec 1, 2015, 12:01:14 AM12/1/15
to Shai Almog, CodenameOne Discussions
Im on linux, i'll google it. Thanks

On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 11:00 PM, Shai Almog <> wrote:
This is OS specific. If you are on Windows just search this group for regedit or registry. On mac its also a bit of a challenge.

Luis Leal

Dec 28, 2015, 1:03:50 AM12/28/15
to Shai Almog, CodenameOne Discussions
Hi shai, it's been a long and i havent found a solution , i investigated the java preferences API and didn't find my login data in there, can you give me any hints, you said that in an update the login user will be printed, i just updated and can't see it. Just refreshing, my problem is this:

1) Had a working environment with everything fine.
2) Been away for some months and then came back to work on a project(same environment as point 1)
3) Updated to java 8 and updated CN1 plugin.
4) Tried to send some test builds , netbeans said the that they went sent succesfully
5) Went to my dashboard, but any builds are showing there
6) Tried multiple things, changing my password on the CN1 site and sending again, going to project properties->login button and updated the credentials,etc
7) Send builds again, but no luck , netbeans says it's fine but cannot see them on my dashboard.
8) keep sending builds and suddenly it says i have alredy a build in queue.
9) contacted you guys for support and you said that it was because i had an failed buiild and i needed to cancel it, but how can i cancel it, if my original problem is that i cannot see any build on my dashboard(point 5)
10) you said that in an update  the current user will be echoed(updated today and i cant see if the current user is correct because it still not printed)
11) you said that the user/passwords were stored using java preferences API(but didn't said what preferences).
12) lost my client and project so i didn't keep searching for a solution
13) changed my credit card and received a mail from you guys to update my payment method.
14) tried to find a solution because i will update my payment, but didnt want to pay for something that broke and that i cant use.
    14.1) updated the plugin to see if the user is echoed ,but it still isnt.
    14.2) Investigated about java preferences API and found a codename one folder in the user preferences, but still cannot find where the credentials are stored, any help??

Please, help me with this, im about to update my payment info, but i want to be able to use the product i'm paying for.

Shai Almog

Dec 28, 2015, 11:16:16 PM12/28/15
to CodenameOne Discussions,,

For Unix systemRoot and userRoot are stored in "user.home" + ".java/.userPrefs" and "/etc/.java" respectively.

Just search there for codename1 and you should find the relevant key.

I just sent a build with NetBeans where it printed out:
Sending build request to the server, notice that the build might take a while to complete!
Sending build to account: ....

Does that not happen with the latest NetBeans plugin?

Luis Leal

Dec 28, 2015, 11:51:18 PM12/28/15
to Shai Almog, CodenameOne Discussions
Hi shai , i alredy found a solution, i don't know why it worked, but it worked, what i did was:

1)Went to directory:"user.home" + ".java/.userPrefs" 
2) There was a directory named codename1, renamed it to codename1_old
3) Sent a build , buit it failed(a different error than the one i first had so i knew that was the right directory)
4) renamed the directory again to codename1
5) Sent a build again, but this time it showed the credentials prompt , typed them and my build was succesful!

Now i have the  next problem, but i suppose it is because i havent updated my new credit card info

Server provided no further details An upload error occured - check that you have enough build credits on the server

Shai Almog

Dec 29, 2015, 11:02:33 PM12/29/15
to CodenameOne Discussions,,
that looks like a build credit issue.
First build always fails when you have no credentials. You didn't need to rename back for the second build prompt it would have worked either way.

Luis Leal

Dec 29, 2015, 11:23:59 PM12/29/15
to Shai Almog, CodenameOne Discussions
Hi Shai, thanks,yeah, that was a credit issue because i changed my credit card and got another, but my initial problem was present a long time before i changed my card, and it was the builds not being sent to my account(couldnt see them on my dashboard) and that was solved with the rename,with that solved, i updated then my card info and everything was fine. Just a question not related to my initial problem. A month ago i was paying 9 dollars, i wasnt using CN1 because i had the problem i mentioned, but still kept paying, but now that i updated my card info , i paid 19 dollars,is that normal? the price was incremented ?

Shai Almog

Dec 30, 2015, 11:03:45 PM12/30/15
to CodenameOne Discussions,,
we announced the pricing change quite a while back:
Notice that it only applies to new subscriptions.

Luis Leal

Dec 30, 2015, 11:19:02 PM12/30/15
to Shai Almog, CodenameOne Discussions
Hi Shai, thanks, my subscription isn't new, i've been with CN1 since 2013, i just changed my credit card because lost the previous one , and yesterday updated the info to the new one, is there any way/possibilities of having the old  pricing given that  mine isnt new(just updated payment info) ? I would be very thankfull.

Shai Almog

Dec 31, 2015, 10:54:56 PM12/31/15
to CodenameOne Discussions,,
as we mentioned in the post above. We no longer have the option.
We changed the physical subscription code and don't have the ability to do special cases here. Since subscription is handled by PayPal this is very opaque to us.
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