Registration Desk hours

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B Wilson

Jan 7, 2019, 8:01:18 AM1/7/19
to CodeMash
Not seeing a good way to see the registration desk hours.  We were trying to get in Wednesday night before registration desk closes down.  Anyone know officially what the hours are?

Thanks much.  Looking forward to get back to CodeMash after a couple of years away.

Brad W

Mark Harr

Jan 7, 2019, 8:18:57 AM1/7/19
to CodeMash
The AttendeeHub shows the registration booth open 7am-8pm on Wednesday. The schedule on the website unfortunately only shows the opening time, and not the closing time. But there was a blog post yesterday ( that indicate “Main Conference Check-in Times” on Wednesday as 6pm-8pm.

Hope that helps.

B Wilson

Jan 7, 2019, 8:31:02 AM1/7/19
to CodeMash
Great thanks Mark!  I missed the blog post somehow...
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