WHOA! 10 people have signed up for lightning talks already! This is going to be great.
Look at these titles. You won't want to miss these.
Nathan Loding - How my daughters chemo made me a better consultant
David Neal - The Story of the Seed
Matthew Renze - Machine Learning: You Meatbags Had Your Chance!
Heather Wilde - How To Work From Anywhere (And have fun while doing it)
Mike Cornell - My Left Eyeball: An OM Story
Keith Kurak - Shake it up with React Native Expo:
write mobile apps from your phone's browser, evade App Store police, and
Anthony Eden - FIRST: Creating Technology Leaders by Building Robots
Aaron Aldrich - Better Living Through Storytelling
Damian Synadinos - Science, Software, and Scissors
Joe Duncko - Why you should care about Bitcoin
Are you interested in giving one? You should be, because you have something special to share. You only need to fill a few minutes (maximum 6 minutes, but could be shorter). Don't want to put together super slides? No problem, just put some words as cues and tell your story.
And don't worry, it doesn't have to be a technical talk (although it could be). In fact, you could do some research on lightning bugs and talk about it.
"10 things you didn't know about lightning bugs!"
"8 things you wished you had known last year about Lightning McQueen!"
Those are great titles. You can use them. Sign up here! http://lightningvote.com/events/22