Looking for Speakers for 2018

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Joseph Kunk

Jan 2, 2018, 7:05:15 PM1/2/18
to code...@googlegroups.com, Joe Kunk
Since many CodeMash attendees are current (or future) speakers, I have a quick but important request.

The Lansing Michigan .NET user group is looking for speakers for our monthly meetings in 2018, including the upcoming January 18 meeting. If you, or anyone you know, would like to be scheduled as a Speaker, please contact me ASAP.  Meetings are 6-8pm on the third Thursday of each month. Even though we are a .NET group, we are very open to presentations on other topics.

Please forward this message to anyone you know that may be interested. We are scheduling through November 2018.

Thank you and enjoy CodeMash!
Joe Kunk
GLUGnet Program Director
mobile: 517.719.9557

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