How to get Super Dev Mode to work (with guice-rf-activities project)

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David Hoffer

Feb 12, 2015, 9:28:50 PM2/12/15
I used gwt-maven-archetypes to create a sample guice-rf-activities project, creating and building the project went fine but now I'm following the steps to use SuperDevMode and I can't get that to work. I have one command window that says 'The code server is ready at http://localhost:9876/' and I have another where I ran 'mvn tomcat7:run -Ddev' and it appears to be running Tomcat fine. But now what to do? When I point my browser (Chrome) at http://localhost:9876/ it says visit webpage that uses the app module but when I go to http://localhost:9876/app/ it says the module hasn't been compiled yet.  If I click on the DevMode On button it says there are no GWT modules on this page.

What did I miss?

Also I know this isn't an IntelliJ forum but I'd like to get this configured to work with IntelliJ 14 as well.

Brandon Donnelson

Feb 17, 2015, 1:00:28 PM2/17/15
To use super dev mode:

1. Be sure the project sdk version is GWT 2.7
2. Start a web server first
3. Start the code server, mvn gwt:run-codeserver
4. goto sdm code server web page and copy the bookmarklet, this will start the sdm to compile. 
4.5 or instead of the bookmarklet, add the sdm program arg -launcherDir and point it to the path to the war output directory where the application is getting hosted
5. goto the web server address and push on the SDM bookmarklet

Brandon Donnelson

Feb 17, 2015, 1:21:12 PM2/17/15
For IntelliJ, start the web server with an web server launcher, then create a code server entry point launcher, and since it doesn't have a built in launcher for it, create java application launcher. Then use the Code server FQDN type as the launcher main type for entrypoint, and then add program arg module with out any flags. What I like to do is add the -launcherDir to war output just before the module arg so I don't have to use a bookmarklet.  

Thomas Broyer

Feb 17, 2015, 1:35:15 PM2/17/15
Much simpler: make sure you use GWT 2.7 or more and follow the "run devmode" steps (gwt:run), then just open your home page as served by Tomcat or Jetty (should be at localhost:8080). No need for bookmarklets anymore with GWT 2.7 new SDM-enabled DevMode.
Technically, you could also use run-codeserver with a configured launcherDir.

Alireza Abedini

Oct 2, 2016, 9:08:49 AM10/2/16
to Codehaus Mojo gwt-maven-plugin Users
I work on a project that upgraded from GWT 2.3 to 2.7. GWT server run with a maven command from IntelliJ and I have same problem(the module hasn't been compiled yet)
You said start web server and so ...
I am not professional and need your help. can you describe your steps with more detail? what is your mean web server, hot to create code server or java application and etc.

Your help can solve my big issue

Thanks and Regards

Janko Slavič

Nov 8, 2017, 2:14:37 AM11/8/17
to Codehaus Mojo gwt-maven-plugin Users
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