gwt:compile can't find default module

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Thad Humphries

Feb 11, 2014, 4:44:23 PM2/11/14
I've a library with a servlet (a GWT RPC) call. I've found that if I want to build this in my main project I must add it to plugin/configuration/modules. I've found that if I add my library to modules, I must also add my project's module file or only the library builds:

              <extraJvmArgs>-Xmx4096M -Xss1024k</extraJvmArgs>
        <!-- Plugin configuration. There are many available options, see 
          gwt-maven-plugin documentation at -->

Per the -noserver instructions step #4 ('s) I want to compile this and copy the output in SNAPSHOT to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/mobile

However when I run gwt:compile on my project, the Mobile module cannot be found:

[INFO] --- gwt-maven-plugin:2.6.0:compile (default-cli) @ Mobile ---
[INFO] Loading inherited module ''
[INFO]    [ERROR] Unable to find 'com/mycorp/mobile/Mobile.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?

GwtUtils.gwt.xml is found (but if I comment out Mobile, of course only GwtUtils builds).

I can run gwt:run then launch the app in my browser, but why won't gwt:compile run?

Adrien Rivard

Feb 12, 2014, 3:53:05 AM2/12/14
Where exactly are the Mobile.gwt.xml and the the GwtUtils?

try putting them in both src/main/resources and src/main/java ?

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Adrien Rivard

Thad Humphries

Feb 12, 2014, 4:37:02 AM2/12/14
Mobile.gwt.xml is the module file the current project and it is located in src/main/resources

GwtUtils.gwt.xml is the module file for my library. It has been built and installed in my local Maven repository and is a dependency of Mobile.

As I said, GwtUtils.gwt.xml is found, but if I comment out Mobile, in which case only GwtUtils builds.

If I run

    $ mvn clean generate-sources gwt:run

then launch the app in my browser, both Mobile-1.0.-SNAPSHOT/mobile and Mobile-1.0.-SNAPSHOT/gwtutils are created. However I cannot run gwt:run because Mobile.gwt.xml cannot be found.
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Adrien Rivard

Adrien Rivard

Feb 12, 2014, 4:48:54 AM2/12/14
Can you put a small project that reproduce the issue somewhere ?

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Adrien Rivard

Thad Humphries

Feb 13, 2014, 12:54:13 PM2/13/14

Thanks. I've spent some time creating a sample project and a dependent library and getting it all to work with SuperDevMode as well as running -noserver so I can run with Tomcat and still debug in Eclipse (vs the embedded Jetty since Jetty is no longer configurable with GWT 2.6.0, and managing the servlet context for development vs deployment is a pain).

My previous description was based on my misunderstanding of how all this works together. In crafting this example, I've learned a few lessons that I will write up later today. (Dunno where I'll post them--maybe to the GWT list, maybe send them some on the steering committee--but I feel I should put it all down, incorporate corrections and comments, and make it available for others in my office as well as the community.)

That said, there is a problem with the gwt:compile goal: It cannot find the project's module file because the gwt:compile goal does not know to look in src/main/resources where the archetype creates it. If the module file is copied to src/main/java, gwt:compile runs.

To demonstrate, generate the project Foo using the GWT Maven archetype. Change directory to Foo and run

$ mvn clean generate-sources gwt:compile

You will get an error:

[INFO] Loading inherited module 'org.codehaus.mojo.Foo'
[INFO]    [ERROR] Unable to find 'org/codehaus/mojo/Foo.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?

Now copy Foo.gwt.xml from src/main/resources to src/main/java and try compile again:

cp src/main/resources/org/codehaus/mojo/Foo.gwt.xml src/main/java/org/codehaus/mojo/Foo.gwt.xml
$ mvn clean generate-sources gwt:compile

This succeeds. 

The gwt:run and gwt:run-codeserver directives work without moving/copying the module file. They find the module file in source/main/resources, but gwt:compile does not.

This may not be a big deal. I wanted to run gwt:compile because of Step #4 in Using my own server in development mode instead of GWT's built-in Jetty instance. However the simplest way to accomplish both Step #2 and Step #4 seems to be to run gwt:run, launch the project in the browser, then copy target/Foo-1.0-SNAPSHOT to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/Foo.


As I said, I've blundered around SuperDevMode, -noserver, Tomcat, and debugging in Eclipse a lot this past week, and I think I've finally got it. I hope to write up my findings this afternoon. (However first I must shovel out from the foot of snow that Charlottesville, Virginia received overnight. I can work from home, but my other half has to be in her office early tomorrow.)
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Adrien Rivard

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Adrien Rivard

Thomas Broyer

Feb 13, 2014, 2:47:51 PM2/13/14
You shouldn't use that archetype, but anyway that should work.
Could you run mvn with -X and paste here the various full command lines forked for each tool (compiler, devmode, superdevmode) ?

Thad Humphries

Feb 13, 2014, 3:56:34 PM2/13/14
I shouldn't use that archetype?! That's what the gwt-maven-plugin docs tell me to use. What should I be using instead? 

I only used org.codehaus.mojo for my groupId because I was writing a demo. Here is what that looked like:

$ mvn archetype:generate \
>    -DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.mojo \
>    -DarchetypeArtifactId=gwt-maven-plugin \
>    -DarchetypeVersion=2.6.0
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] >>> maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:generate (default-cli) @ standalone-pom >>>
[INFO] <<< maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:generate (default-cli) @ standalone-pom <<<
[INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:generate (default-cli) @ standalone-pom ---
[INFO] Generating project in Interactive mode
[INFO] Archetype repository missing. Using the one from [org.codehaus.mojo:gwt-maven-plugin:2.6.0] found in catalog remote
Define value for property 'groupId': : org.codehaus.mojo
Define value for property 'artifactId': : Foo
Define value for property 'version':  1.0-SNAPSHOT: : 
Define value for property 'package':  org.codehaus.mojo: : 
Define value for property 'module': : Foo
Confirm properties configuration:
groupId: org.codehaus.mojo
artifactId: Foo
version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
package: org.codehaus.mojo
module: Foo
 Y: : 
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Using following parameters for creating project from Archetype: gwt-maven-plugin:2.6.0
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: org.codehaus.mojo
[INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: Foo
[INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Parameter: package, Value: org.codehaus.mojo
[INFO] Parameter: packageInPathFormat, Value: org/codehaus/mojo
[INFO] Parameter: package, Value: org.codehaus.mojo
[INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Parameter: module, Value: Foo
[INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: org.codehaus.mojo
[INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: Foo
[INFO] project created from Archetype in dir: /Users/thad/workspace/Foo
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 34.886s
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Feb 13 11:56:45 EST 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 13M/245M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

$ cd Foo

I've deleted the src/main/java/org/codehaus/mojo/Foo.gwt.xml I copied from src/main/resources for testing. I have not modified the pom.xml or any other file in Foo (including the additions to the pom.xml and module files to attach to SDM; what you see is starting it, not trying to run the app). I ran the following commands in separate shells and have attached the files.

mvn -X clean generate-sources gwt:compile

mvn -X clean generate-sources gwt:run

mvn -X clean generate-sources gwt:run-codeserver

Thomas Broyer

Feb 14, 2014, 5:27:57 AM2/14/14

On Thursday, February 13, 2014 9:56:34 PM UTC+1, Thad Humphries wrote:
I shouldn't use that archetype?! That's what the gwt-maven-plugin docs tell me to use.

My belief is that we should just delete that archetype (I find it handy for building small repro-cases for GWT bugs, but that's it)
What should I be using instead?

Brandon Donnelson (from Sencha, formerly from ArcBees) has a few good artifacts:
…or just start "from scratch".
So, looking at the code more closely, it turns out that gwt:compile does not execute any maven phase, it's meant to be bound to a phase of your build rather than being called directly from the command-line. You should rather use either "mvn prepare-package" (gwt:compile binds by default to the prepare-package phase), or possibly "mvn process-classes gwt:compile" (compared to prepare-package, that would skip the tests).

You have to understand that Maven is almost undocumented when it comes to developing plugins, and the gwt-maven-plugin is a pile of crap that no-one wants to maintain.

Andreas Horst

Feb 14, 2014, 6:19:15 AM2/14/14
That last sentence is so painfully true (while trying to find out why Maven does what it's not supposed to do in the run-codeserver MOJO)...

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Thomas Broyer

Feb 14, 2014, 11:33:27 AM2/14/14
Few, glad I'm not the only one with this (pessimistic?) opinion :)
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Andreas Horst

Feb 14, 2014, 1:47:10 PM2/14/14

Let's stick to "realistic" :)

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Thad Humphries

Feb 14, 2014, 3:14:13 PM2/14/14
Thank you. I appreciate the help you and the others provide.

Your modular-webapp archetype is pretty slick. Is there a way to run-codeserver with it? (I think SDM is terrific.) I tried adding 


to the configuration for tomcat7-maven-plugin in Bar-server/pom.xml but when I press my 'Dev Mode On' bookmark, I get the message "Can't find any GWT Modules on this page."

(From your comments here and in the main GWT list, it seems I should invest a weekend into learning Gradle and move my project to that. Your thoughts? I've two GWT-based products out now that were built with Ant. I'm working with Maven on new projects and prefer it over Ant. However I'm hearing definite misgivings from you re Maven.)

Thomas Broyer

Feb 15, 2014, 7:32:06 AM2/15/14

On Friday, February 14, 2014 9:14:13 PM UTC+1, Thad Humphries wrote:
Thank you. I appreciate the help you and the others provide.

Your modular-webapp archetype is pretty slick. Is there a way to run-codeserver with it? (I think SDM is terrific.) I tried adding 


to the configuration for tomcat7-maven-plugin in Bar-server/pom.xml but when I press my 'Dev Mode On' bookmark, I get the message "Can't find any GWT Modules on this page."

You shouldn't need to change anything to use SDM, except you have to gwt:compile at least once (from the archetypes' instructions, remove the -Dgwt.compiler.skip from the commands, then replace "gwt:run" by "process-classes gwt:run-codeserver").
I'll try to find time trying it this week-end and update the README with instructions.
(I also need to update the archetypes to GWT 2.6.0)
(From your comments here and in the main GWT list, it seems I should invest a weekend into learning Gradle and move my project to that. Your thoughts? I've two GWT-based products out now that were built with Ant. I'm working with Maven on new projects and prefer it over Ant. However I'm hearing definite misgivings from you re Maven.)

I unfortunately haven't had the opportunity to use Gradle with GWT yet (neither had the time to even try and play with it), so I have no idea how running the app for development would work. All I can tell is that Gradle looks a lot better than Maven as a build tool; you can read more on my blog:

Also, note that I'd recommend launching DevMode (and even SuperDevMode) from within your IDE, rather than from your build tool. Running a server from Eclipse is unfortunately too broken to be useful, so I stick to using "mvn tomcat7:run" or similar (run from within Eclipse though, so I don't even need a "remote debug" configuration). Before anyone asks, I haven't yet tried GWT dev with IntelliJ, so I really can't comment.

Thad Humphries

Feb 15, 2014, 11:12:43 AM2/15/14
On Saturday, February 15, 2014 7:32:06 AM UTC-5, Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Friday, February 14, 2014 9:14:13 PM UTC+1, Thad Humphries wrote:
Thank you. I appreciate the help you and the others provide.

Your modular-webapp archetype is pretty slick. Is there a way to run-codeserver with it? (I think SDM is terrific.) I tried adding 


to the configuration for tomcat7-maven-plugin in Bar-server/pom.xml but when I press my 'Dev Mode On' bookmark, I get the message "Can't find any GWT Modules on this page."

You shouldn't need to change anything to use SDM, except you have to gwt:compile at least once (from the archetypes' instructions, remove the -Dgwt.compiler.skip from the commands, then replace "gwt:run" by "process-classes gwt:run-codeserver").
I'll try to find time trying it this week-end and update the README with instructions.
(I also need to update the archetypes to GWT 2.6.0)

I still seem to be missing something:  SDM seems to turn on, but my breakpoint doesn't break. Must I somehow have to point to port 9876?

Still working entirely from the command line (I'll fret Eclipse next), and using the project created earlier with the modular-webapp artifactId (directory Bar, application App):

- In pom.xml, change gwt.version property to 2.6.0 and change gwt-maven-plugin version to 2.6.0

- To App.gwt.xml, add <add-linker name="xsiframe"/>

- Run `mvn clean install`

- Run `cd Bar-client && mvn process-classes gwt:run-codeserver -Ddev`

- In separate terminal, run `mvn tomcat7:run -Ddev`

- In Chrome (after clearing the last 24-hours of cache), go to http://localhost:8080

Here I seem to have a hitch: Instead of the customary alter about recompiling, the full app loads. Pressing my Dev Mode On bookmark gets me the "Choose module to recomiple" message. Pressing Compile refreshes the window but still no customary alert.

I open Developer Tools -> Source, but no source to debug. I select "Add Folder to Workspace" (though I don't recall doing this before) and add Bar. I set a breakpoint at line 136 in (inside the onSuccess() method) and press the app's Send button. The breakpoint is not acknowledged. 

I've included a screenshot of the Developer Tools window.
Screen Shot 2014-02-15 at 11.02.34 .png

Thomas Broyer

Feb 15, 2014, 5:54:53 PM2/15/14

On Saturday, February 15, 2014 5:12:43 PM UTC+1, Thad Humphries wrote:
On Saturday, February 15, 2014 7:32:06 AM UTC-5, Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Friday, February 14, 2014 9:14:13 PM UTC+1, Thad Humphries wrote:
Thank you. I appreciate the help you and the others provide.

Your modular-webapp archetype is pretty slick. Is there a way to run-codeserver with it? (I think SDM is terrific.) I tried adding 


to the configuration for tomcat7-maven-plugin in Bar-server/pom.xml but when I press my 'Dev Mode On' bookmark, I get the message "Can't find any GWT Modules on this page."

You shouldn't need to change anything to use SDM, except you have to gwt:compile at least once (from the archetypes' instructions, remove the -Dgwt.compiler.skip from the commands, then replace "gwt:run" by "process-classes gwt:run-codeserver").
I'll try to find time trying it this week-end and update the README with instructions.
(I also need to update the archetypes to GWT 2.6.0)

I still seem to be missing something:  SDM seems to turn on, but my breakpoint doesn't break. Must I somehow have to point to port 9876?

Still working entirely from the command line (I'll fret Eclipse next), and using the project created earlier with the modular-webapp artifactId (directory Bar, application App):

- In pom.xml, change gwt.version property to 2.6.0 and change gwt-maven-plugin version to 2.6.0

- To App.gwt.xml, add <add-linker name="xsiframe"/>

- Run `mvn clean install`

- Run `cd Bar-client && mvn process-classes gwt:run-codeserver -Ddev`

- In separate terminal, run `mvn tomcat7:run -Ddev`

- In Chrome (after clearing the last 24-hours of cache), go to http://localhost:8080

Here I seem to have a hitch: Instead of the customary alter about recompiling, the full app loads. Pressing my Dev Mode On bookmark gets me the "Choose module to recomiple" message. Pressing Compile refreshes the window but still no customary alert.

You had that alert because you didn't compile the app, you were running the *.nocache.js generated by DevMode which doesn't contains any code related to permutations and just fails with an alert in case you're not running it "in DevMode".
I open Developer Tools -> Source, but no source to debug. I select "Add Folder to Workspace" (though I don't recall doing this before) and add Bar. I set a breakpoint at line 136 in (inside the onSuccess() method) and press the app's Send button. The breakpoint is not acknowledged.

The sources are there actually, in localhost:9876 → sourcemaps/bar.
I think you have to make sure to open the DevTools before you click the "compile" button to see them.
Best way is to use Ctrl+O and use autocomplete to open the file you want (or beta-test the SDBG plugin for Eclipse: so you can work almost the same as with DevMode, setting breakpoints and stepping from within Eclipse)

Thad Humphries

Feb 15, 2014, 6:21:13 PM2/15/14
Hot damn and hallelujah, that's it. Thank you. On to Eclipse...

Thomas Broyer

Feb 15, 2014, 8:24:43 PM2/15/14

On Saturday, February 15, 2014 1:32:06 PM UTC+1, Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Friday, February 14, 2014 9:14:13 PM UTC+1, Thad Humphries wrote:
Thank you. I appreciate the help you and the others provide.

Your modular-webapp archetype is pretty slick. Is there a way to run-codeserver with it? (I think SDM is terrific.) I tried adding 


to the configuration for tomcat7-maven-plugin in Bar-server/pom.xml but when I press my 'Dev Mode On' bookmark, I get the message "Can't find any GWT Modules on this page."

You shouldn't need to change anything to use SDM, 

Sorry about that: you were right, you should use that config if you use GWT-RPC.

FYI, I just deployed a new SNAPSHOT of the archetypes with a bunch of changes:
(don't look at the commit dates, it happens I had commits lying in my local repo for more than a year!)

I unfortunately haven't took the time to really test them.

Thad Humphries

Feb 17, 2014, 3:26:27 PM2/17/14
Thanks again, Thomas. The new archetype for modular-webapp works nicely and runs SuperDevMode just fine.

After giving the generated project a try from the command line, I imported the top-level directory to Eclipse, and added Debug Configuration -> Maven Build for both client and server (Tomcat 7). Code server debugging is there in Chrome, and, after adding the *-server project folder to the sources for my *-server run configuration, I can debug the server side in Eclipse.

I'll note for anyone using this archetype (and I strongly recommend you do) that, in my experience, if you terminate the *-client run in Eclipse (clicking the red square) the 9876 port is not freed up. I have to run `lsof -i :9876` in a terminal window and kill the PID to free the port.

Thomas Broyer

Feb 21, 2014, 6:38:07 PM2/21/14

On Monday, February 17, 2014 9:26:27 PM UTC+1, Thad Humphries wrote:
Thanks again, Thomas. The new archetype for modular-webapp works nicely and runs SuperDevMode just fine.

After giving the generated project a try from the command line, I imported the top-level directory to Eclipse, and added Debug Configuration -> Maven Build for both client and server (Tomcat 7). Code server debugging is there in Chrome, and, after adding the *-server project folder to the sources for my *-server run configuration, I can debug the server side in Eclipse.

I'll note for anyone using this archetype (and I strongly recommend you do) that, in my experience, if you terminate the *-client run in Eclipse (clicking the red square) the 9876 port is not freed up. I have to run `lsof -i :9876` in a terminal window and kill the PID to free the port.

This is because the SuperDevMode runs in a forked process. Running it from command-line, Ctrl+C correctly terminates SDM (AFAICT), I wonder if you can use the same in Eclipse (but I'd actually just configure a non-Maven launch configuration, you can even share the *.launch file with coworkers) 

Debasish Padhy

Sep 17, 2014, 3:09:54 AM9/17/14
Hi Thomas,

about the latest archetype updates discussed above - are they deployed on sonatype ? I can see the 1.0-SNAPSHOT deployed there but not sure if the latest are pushed over there. 


Thomas Broyer

Sep 17, 2014, 4:55:12 AM9/17/14

On Wednesday, September 17, 2014 9:09:54 AM UTC+2, Debasish Padhy wrote:
Hi Thomas,

about the latest archetype updates discussed above - are they deployed on sonatype ? I can see the 1.0-SNAPSHOT deployed there but not sure if the latest are pushed over there. 

I honestly have no idea, but judging from the date the latest snapshots have been deployed, they should be in sync with master.
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