CI and ConfORM

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Matteo Migliore

May 30, 2011, 12:29:47 PM5/30/11
to ConfORM

Is possible to calculate a "model hash" like EF based on the mapping
(on the Configuration object of NH)?

It's not a function properly of ConfORM, would be better to calculate
it directly using NH...

I know that is possible to use the SchemaExport to check if the
mapping is correct for the database but my problem is this:
1. I use CI
2. my build script can migrate data using a custom "migrator" (a C#
3. the migrator is selected using the "past" model hash (in the DB)
and the current model hash (calculated on the mapping)

So is possible to migrate data from DB version "1.0" to db "4.0"
calling all the migrators.

I hope I was clear.
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