Installation Steps

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Rose Robinson

Sep 23, 2010, 4:36:42 PM9/23/10
to Codeathon for Humanity
Hi everyone. I hope everyone is having a great week. Looking forward
to meeting everyone next week.

I wanted to be better prepared before the meeting tomorrow so I took
this week to read through wiki and download/install necessary
software, but not getting there yet.

I didn't have some of the required/suggested memory size when creating
a new VM (using Virtual Box). I went with the default, but now I have
to create a new one. Is this documented anywhere for this project?
The default was 64MB. Also the suggested image size was way lower than
I downloaded. Is anyone else having this issue with Virtual Box and
could perhaps provide some suggestions.


Fran Boon

Sep 23, 2010, 7:26:44 PM9/23/10
On 23 September 2010 21:36, Rose Robinson <> wrote:
> Hi everyone. I hope everyone is having a great week.  Looking forward
> to meeting everyone next week.


> I wanted to be better prepared before the meeting tomorrow so I took
> this week to read through wiki and download/install necessary
> software, but not getting there yet.


> I didn't have some of the required/suggested memory size when creating
> a new VM (using Virtual Box).  I went with the default, but now I have
> to create a new one.  Is this documented anywhere for this project?
> The default was 64MB. Also the suggested image size was way lower than
> I downloaded. Is anyone else having this issue with Virtual Box and
> could perhaps provide some suggestions.

I'm afraid that I don't have suggestions, but I would urge you to
document your findings.
Please register for the wiki:

& then edit the page with the issues (& solutions) that you find:

Many thanks,

Rose Robinson

Sep 23, 2010, 8:27:13 PM9/23/10
to Codeathon for Humanity
Thanks and I am documenting as I go along and will definitely update

I'm still having problems importing the appliance. Getting the
following error: "Failed to import appliance Eden-Dev.ovf. The SHA1
digest of 'Eden-Dev.vmdk' does not match the one in 'Eden-Dev.mdf'."

1. Downloaded file from (US)
2. Downloaded Virtual Box 3.2.8 for Windows hosts x86/amd64 from

My OS is Windows 7. Is the UK version slightly different? Should I
try that one? That will take awhile to download so I'll get it started
just in case.


On Sep 23, 7:26 pm, Fran Boon <> wrote:
> & then edit the page with the issues (& solutions) that you find:
> Many thanks,
> Fran.

Pat Tressel

Sep 23, 2010, 10:06:54 PM9/23/10
Rose --

I'm still having problems importing the appliance.  Getting the
following error: "Failed to import appliance Eden-Dev.ovf.  The SHA digest of 'Eden-Dev.vmdk' does not match the one in 'Eden-Dev.mdf'."

I wonder if the hash of the vmdk file wasn't recomputed the last time the vm image was rebuilt.  I'm wondering -- are there dates on the files in the zip archive?  Can you open the mdf file to see if there are dates on what it contains?  Don't know if Windows explorer will open it.  It's a DVD/CD image format so an app that extracts / burns images might show the contents.  (It would take me 2 hours to download to check...)  If you get it open and there are dates, is the hash older than the vm image?

-- Pat

Louiqa Raschid

Sep 23, 2010, 10:52:24 PM9/23/10
to Codeathon for Humanity
Just installed VirtualBox and Sahana Eden again (long story ..
burglary .. lost my laptop...) and was able to do it without any of
the issues that Rose has encountered. Installed on a Macbook Pro using
the US download. Louiqa

Fran Boon

Sep 24, 2010, 5:18:10 AM9/24/10
On 24 September 2010 01:27, Rose Robinson <> wrote:
> Thanks and I am documenting as I go along and will definitely update
> wiki.

Many thanks :)

> I'm still having problems importing the appliance.  Getting the
> following error: "Failed to import appliance Eden-Dev.ovf.  The SHA1
> digest of 'Eden-Dev.vmdk' does not match the one in 'Eden-Dev.mdf'."

This sounds like a corrupted download, but I'm surprised that the Zip
wrapper didn't complain?

> My OS is Windows 7.

Same here

> Is the UK version slightly different?

No, identical...


Rose Robinson

Sep 24, 2010, 11:04:13 PM9/24/10
to Codeathon for Humanity
Downloaded the file again, imported appliance, I'm ready to go!
Tomorrow! :-) Night.

On Sep 24, 5:18 am, Fran Boon <> wrote:

Rose Robinson

Sep 26, 2010, 7:01:07 PM9/26/10
to Codeathon for Humanity
Updated wiki with appliance error resolution at

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