FW: [CODE4LIB] 2009 WorldCat Mashathon in Amsterdam

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Saskia Scheltjens

Apr 9, 2009, 4:24:35 AM4/9/09
to code...@googlegroups.com
Hoogst onwaarschijnlijk dat de listmembers hier dit nog niet hebben gezien, maar voor alle zekerheid ....

Hartelijke groet,


Saskia Scheltjens - Faculteitsbibliothecaris
Universiteit Gent – Faculteit Letteren & Wijsbegeerte
Blandijnberg 2 - 9000 Gent - België
T +32 (0)9 264 39 85 - saskiascheltjens (skype id)

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE...@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] Namens Roy Tennant
Verzonden: woensdag 8 april 2009 22:20
Onderwerp: [CODE4LIB] 2009 WorldCat Mashathon in Amsterdam

Join fellow coders for a WorldCat Mashathon in Amsterdam, May 13-14.
Sponsored by the OCLC Developer Network and International Institute of
Social History (IISH), the two-day event will be held Wednesday and Thursday
at IISH headquarters in Amsterdam.

The European Mashathon follows on the heels of a previous WorldCat Hackathon
in New York City. Participants will spend the two days brainstorming and
coding mash-ups with local systems, OCLC Web Services, and many other Web
Services to embellish existing, and create new, library services.

WorldCat includes national catalogues from the Netherlands, the UK, Ireland,
Iceland, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, France, Spain, Switzerland,
Czech Republic, Lithuania, Russia and many more‹so there are plenty of
potential uses and apps just waiting to happen.

Why attend the WorldCat Hackathon?
€ Brainstorm potential uses for and play with the WorldCat Search API.
€ Gain development access to 1.2 billion items from more than 10,000
libraries worldwide.
€ Integrate these resources with many others to create innovative new
€ Meet fellow developers across the information industry.
€ Share your creative vision and be a part of the next wave of online
library development.

Ideas, outcomes and code from the Mashathon, together with a participants
list, will be shared during and after the event for others to download and
build on.

See <http://worldcat.org/devnet/wiki/2009EUMashathon> for more information
and to register.

Roy Tennant
OCLC Research

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