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Nimiq blockchain client for Cocos2d

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Aug 13, 2020, 6:34:18 PM8/13/20
to cocos2d discuss
Hey community, long story short, while searching for a cryptocurrency that could be used for games monetization, I stumbled upon Nimiq (

What sets Nimiq apart from other cryptocurrencies? It allows a web game to connect to the blockchain to receive/send transactions directly from the web browser without any third party app or extension. So, yes Nimiq is what I was looking for, because there are no payment processor fees and no middleman.

Games build for HTML5 can embed the Javascript library (

Native games can use a RPC client library ( to connect to a RPC server and process payments, and there is a Python library currently in the review process (

BTW, if anyone has experience with any of those programming languages feel free to review them and make any suggestions 😉

Also, feel free to ask me anything about integrating the Nimiq blockchain in your Cocos games 😊

Full disclosure: For those libraries currently under review, I'm the author of three of those implementations.
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