When i work on my game, i try to use A*, and in a moment start to refactor tiles.py :)
Commonly, i split code of `load_tmx` to "screen-fitting" size function and this refactor has fix some issues with loading.
For example, with next map(created with Tiled), that has separated tileset file can't be loaded. It's crash with "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'tileset' referenced before assignment".
I attach all that needed to reproduce this:
1. put *.png, *.tsx, *.tmx in directory assets in test-root
2. put testing.py in test-root
3. create env, install cocos2d(0.6.5+)
4. run "python testing.py"
In my case, it's files on Koraken branch "tiles-301", and origin versions "0.6.6", "0.6.5".
I'm check utests, but no changes. 18 fails as was before my changes. Looks like there is no tests for loading tiled maps :). I'm going to write tests in future.
So , changes lie in my fork, i create PR from dev to master for easy review. I will be very grateful for the review.
Best regards.