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Composing actions after started

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Facundo Batista

Nov 1, 2020, 10:21:58 AM11/1/20

I want the effect of "composing" a second action with the current
one... I'll describe an example to show that better:

I press UP and my sprite will jump (I'm using JumpBy for this), and in
the middle of the jump, I press RIGHT and I want to move the sprite
some pixels to the right, in the middle of the jump!

IOW, the sequence would be something like (showing simple X Y of the sprite)

Just jumping:

- t0: 0, 0
- UP
- t1: 0, 2
- t2: 0, 3
- t3: 0, 2
- t4: 0, 0

Pressing RIGHT in the middle of the jump:

- t0: 0, 0
- UP
- t1: 0, 2
- t2: 0, 3
- t3: 1, 2
- t4: 1, 0

My problem is that when doing, 0), 0)) when the
use presses RIGHT it *interrupts* the jump.

Is there a way to not interrupt the current action and run the second
action in parallel with the rest of the current one?


. Facundo

Twitter: @facundobatista

claudio canepa

Nov 1, 2020, 9:47:33 PM11/1/20
to cocos2d discuss

>Is there a way to not interrupt the current action and run the second
action in parallel with the rest of the current one? 

Not with the current codebase.  See api/cocos.actions.base_actions.html#restrictions-and-capabilities-for-the-current-design-and-implementation (you need to build the docs, I don't have a live link now, sorry)

There you can see an inspiration for a possible workaround: look at class MoveByAdditive, if you write a JumpAdditive then it can compose with another additive or instant action as you described,

Not ideal but the most immediate solution.

Long term, maybe a new action operation over Actions could be defined
      worker_action = worker_action,  fn_my_action_patcher)

where Modify should extract init params from the worker action, calculate remaining_duration, call the user provided   fn_my_action_patcher with those params,  the fn must return the desired composition.

Looks not easy to use, but maybe some experimentation can produce something viable.

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claudio canepa

Nov 2, 2020, 8:06:22 AM11/2/20
to cocos2d discuss
>  (you need to build the docs, I don't have a live link now, sorry)

or download the source package from pypi, in includes the rendered docs

Facundo Batista

Nov 2, 2020, 4:56:12 PM11/2/20
El dom., 1 de nov. de 2020 a la(s) 23:47, claudio canepa
( escribió:

> There you can see an inspiration for a possible workaround: look at class MoveByAdditive, if you write a JumpAdditive then it can compose with another additive or instant action as you described,
> Not ideal but the most immediate solution.
> Long term, maybe a new action operation over Actions could be defined
> worker_action =
> worker_action, fn_my_action_patcher)
> where Modify should extract init params from the worker action, calculate remaining_duration, call the user provided fn_my_action_patcher with those params, the fn must return the desired composition.
> Looks not easy to use, but maybe some experimentation can produce something viable.

Wonderful, thanks!
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