Coconut Milk?

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Mikkel Gutierrez

Jul 24, 2012, 11:29:58 PM7/24/12



While it’s clear that the market for packaged coconut water is growing, would anyone here know what the growth prospects for packaged coconut milk are?


Would appreciate any help that can be provided!  If someone can point to a reliable data source, that would be great.


Best regards,


Mikkel Gutierrez


Jul 24, 2012, 11:57:24 PM7/24/12

Hi Miguti,

Please read the below link to produce good quality Coconut milk..!!
You can get to know what stuffs should be avoided while manufacturing coconut milk.!


Anitha Kumari

Jul 25, 2012, 12:05:04 AM7/25/12
It is true that there is tremendous potential for coconut milk. Actually some of us made small attempts for packaging, but the oil content and preservatives could not keep the required quality. I will surely respond you back since our efforts are going on with farmers participation.
Regards and greetings!
Anithakumari.P, Sr. Scientist, CPCRI, RS, Kayamkulam

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Shiju Nesamony

Jul 25, 2012, 1:25:18 AM7/25/12
From my interactions with the Coconut Development Board in India, I understand that they have the technology to produce it in an industrial scale. The only difficulty is in packaging. The shelf life of the product is less than four moths as it turns rancid.

V. N. Shiju,
B10, Flat No. 5, 16th Cross Street,
Besant Nagar,
Chennai, India. PIN 600090

Vinay Chand

Jul 25, 2012, 12:21:28 PM7/25/12
Dear Shiju,
do you actually rely on the CDB?
Vinay Chand,
230, Finchley Road,
London NW36DJ,UK
Fax: 020-7431 5715

Vinay Chand

Jul 25, 2012, 12:24:17 PM7/25/12
Dear Mikkel,
until very recently the forecast for milk was flat for the next 3 years but I have clients who can not get hold of any so we are in a shortage. Also remember that from mature nuts you get milk and you get water, one is a by-product, it used to be water, now it is milk and DC.
Vinay Chand,
230, Finchley Road,
London NW36DJ,UK
Fax: 020-7431 5715
----- Original Message -----

Shiju Nesamony

Jul 25, 2012, 12:51:42 PM7/25/12
Hi Vinay,
   Well, that was the start and there hasn't been much progress on that front for lack of funds. Setting up a manufacturing unit for coconut milk has been on my mind for a while now. Would be glad to know if you have some better information on that front.

Thanks and Regards,

Vinay Chand

Jul 25, 2012, 1:05:54 PM7/25/12
Dear Shinju,
the people in the milk and water trade know a lot. They tell the Governments nothing. All the action is in Brazil, Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand. India has allowed itself to become positively backward (I can say that as an Indian) as is reflected at CDB or PCA. There is nothing published because there is a global battle in progress to secure supplies. I have never known coconuts to be so much in demand. Milk and water are sold out. I really love to find out what is happening. BUT you have to produce properly and have critical mass. No problem in selling the stuff. No problem in money. Just access the coconuts and know what you are doing.
Best wishes,

Shiju Nesamony

Jul 25, 2012, 1:11:34 PM7/25/12
Thank You Vinay for that mail. I am currently concentrating on the coir fibre business and I do feel the difficulty in securing supply of raw materials. Securing supplies of coconuts is therefore no surprise.

Going by what you have tried to explain, I take it that, I will have to develop the technology for the packaging all by myself. It might be a slightly lonely way. But am sure it would be remunerative.

Thanks and Regards,
V N Shiju.
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Hugh Harries

Jul 26, 2012, 1:35:30 AM7/26/12
to Google coconut group
On 25 July 2012 18:15, elan sun star <> wrote:

The bigger emerging market is probiotics/coconut (as in acidophilus etc) and fermented coconut water and coconut yogurt and kefir

it stores very well refrigerated and the much higher prices you can charge make up for refrigeration and transport

Consider the new market and its implications

On Jul 24, 2012, at 6:05 PM, Anitha Kumari wrote:

It is true that there is tremendous potential for coconut milk. Actually some of us made small attempts for packaging, but the oil content and preservatives could not keep the required quality. I will surely respond you back since our efforts are going on with farmers participation.

Regards and greetings!

Anithakumari.P, Sr. Scientist, CPCRI, RS, Kayamkulam

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 8:59 AM, Mikkel Gutierrez <> wrote:


Jul 26, 2012, 4:55:08 AM7/26/12
Thanks Prakash!  Will certainly keep this in mind as we explore the possibility of producing coconut milk.


Jul 26, 2012, 5:04:15 AM7/26/12
Thanks for the response, Vinay.  It looks like producing coconut cream/milk in bulk is certainly a viable option for those who can secure enough supply of coconuts.

Best wishes,
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Jul 26, 2012, 5:05:58 AM7/26/12
Thanks! I will certainly go over these links.

To all those who replied, thank you for your input!  Much appreciated.

elan sun star

Jul 26, 2012, 4:46:32 PM7/26/12
to elan sun star,
Aloha My Friends

The only people that know the real numbers and values on the marketing and retail prices are the retail industries and the private retailers.. those who are getting top dollar for excellent products and NEW products

one example is Sir Richard Branson the billionaire partnering with the biggest french European yogurt company to produce affordable LOCAL milk YOGURT products as well for africa and india..(even for the poorest of the poor to sell with loans from Grameen bank)  so in the spirit of Muhamed Younis  (micro loans  micro credit even for beggars and the super poor) the product can be bought and sold even in villages locally)  the lauric acid and caprylic acid in coconut processed well in a less heat or fractionated manner is very stable and can last for much longer period  because of the probiotics you add .

now if you can get production of your own label or have a unique slant on coconut= health and lifestyle and other aspects 9there are many) then you get to wholesale or retail on your own for the state or national or international market.. the United states George washington Carver created HUNDREDS of products from peanuts  and the same can happen with coconut. 

The niche markets in big wealthy cities for your closest markets depending on where you are in the world..can purchase a product like this which has a better profile than milk based yogurts. Why? Coconut is the rage now with health enthusiasts and doctors.

the governments and the researchers wont know this information as they are not in the marketing and the retail sectors..

Creativity leads to new markets.many of the top beauty products and cosmetics companies are cinching deals with the women in various counties  (women0 to buy ALL their oils processed in the villages or country for proprietary products
for example john masters 2 once bottle of argan oil from Morocco is over 45$ in the e health stores.. And the women in much of Fiji signed a deal with the body Shop to provide all the coconut oil of high quality to provide all their oils for cosmetics and soaps and shampoos etc.

the new markets are new and the oil is just the raw material.. 
Some of yo9u can produce a labeled  bottled product and get more money even in markets close to home but definitely in places that want a "Healthy oil" It behooves all of you to read all the materials possible on the new views on coconut oil and how healthy authorities and researchers are naming coconut oil of HIGH quality (not low grade) to be a healthy fat for the thyroid and for healthy diet  health foods stores including whole foods are packed with many brands of coconut oil

if you consider a niche product  say for the massage industry or health or consider the middle aged coconut meat for yogurt and kefir you have new markets and new direct wholesale and retail  not just selling oil for the lowest lowest price possible which benefits no one in the industry.

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Jul 26, 2012, 8:24:51 PM7/26/12
to, elan sun star

Dear Elan Sun ,


Very interesting  innovative  idea .Pls  let us discuss to touch more practical approach  regarding this product cycle to  manufacture ------à  Sales .


Sudheera ndrajith

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elan sun star

Aug 13, 2012, 7:45:25 PM8/13/12
The innovations will come not in new packaging but in new solutions   creative minds  breakthroughs in selling fresh coconuts



the future?

while many say fresh cannot be delivered outside the local market others will do it.

and it takes creative minds

"Whether you believe you can or believe you cannot you are right"
henry Ford.

elan sun star

Sep 10, 2012, 1:15:55 PM9/10/12
Certainly this would be the challenge fo the whole entire industry

how to package and market perishable

This takes the savvy of the marketing people and the distribution people and a demanding   willing to pay market..


On Jul 24, 2012, at 6:05 PM, Anitha Kumari wrote:

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