Re: Corona - paradox!

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Rethinam P

Mar 28, 2020, 2:12:58 AM3/28/20
to Rajagopal Velamoor, Prabhakar Tamboli, Ramesh Deshpande, Jitendra Srivastava, Chandrashekhar Ranade, THIRUMANGALAM SAMPATH, Pratap Deshmukh, Uma Lele, Emmanuel D'Silva, Ram Janakiram, Prem Garg, Balu Bumb, Jayasankar Shivakumar, murali gopal, Unnikrishnan Nampoothiri, ROHINI IYER,
I expected the question  of why Kerala incidence is more. Main reason Dr.Rajagpal had indicated.Changing food habits in yougster,taste for fast food made them to forget coconut and coconut milk etc.Let Kerala Govt. help children to take coconut oil and coconut  to build up resistance.Kerala being Coconut Country and God's own country .THROUGH COCONUT  USE THEY PROVE CAN PROVE IT IS POSSIBLE TO BUILD IMMUNITY..Dr.P RETHINAM FORMER CHAIRMAN COLIN CONUT DEVELOPMENT BOARD.

On Fri, 27 Mar 2020, 23:53 Rajagopal Velamoor, <> wrote:
See yet another post in facebook:

PARADOX WITH CORONA ATTACK: Having profusely promoted coconut as a therapeutic

 means to fight corona, based on scientific basis, now it is my duty to look into the paradoxical 

situation. That is the honest, unbiased way of reporting the ground realities. I had posted three 

articles on coconut - corona relationship. One of the genuine comments by a scientist friend was 

how come Kerala reported high incidences of cocorona since it is coconut growing/ consuming 

State. Indeed good a question. Does it disprove that coconut is not healthy diet or else what???
Yes, Kerala State has over 120 cases of corona, why? Has the scientific basis on coconut damaged

 or any other socio cultural system operated? Obviously the immune system of those infected by 

corona was to be examined. Remember most of them, middle aged, migrated to gulf countries long

 ago and frequently visiting home State, so too this year. It is reasonable to expect that their food 

habits and lifestyle might have changed in other countries, different from typical Kerala cuisines rich 

in coconut, pepper, turmeric etc that influence immune system. Other junk food combination interfering 

with innate immune system cannot be ruled out.
Another important reason, well documented data show that even in Kerala the per capita consumption 

of coconut which was high (130 nuts) until mid 1980s, declined fast to less than 70. due to the aggressive

 campaign that coconut is bad for health as it is rich in saturated fat. This fear on coronary heart disease 

and cholesterol impacted the consumption by the middle age generation, who switched over to other oils, 

as also other habits of alcohol intake. The elders in the age group 75 above argue even now that coconut is 

always healthy and quote Ayurvedic literature of several years. This is also supported by recent scientific 

research in over 20 countries including USA, Canada, Brazil (reviewed by me) that coconut has beneficial 

lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid, not harmful and has different system in human body system. At this

 juncture my review will be most valuable to the society.

Now, those with corona infection reported in Kerala obviously are middle aged 'travellers' with weak immune 

system, not originally expected in typical Kerala population. This needs to be examined. I do not wish to venture

 more than reasonable speculation or assumption. Also, the infection is due to transfer from these travellers from 

corona affected gulf countries to locals with whom they came into contact and perhaps not from LOCAL people. 

This again needs assessment by health authorities. With this quick analysis, I wish to reiterate that coconut based

 therapeutic approach is worth trying for corona. This is my perception, which may not be totally wrong, although

 I do expect some errors in my judgement. Food for thought worth consuming, absorbing and digesting if found 

valuable!!! Share without any scare, as it deals with health care!!!!


V rajagopal

Former Director, CPCRI
President, Society for Hunger Elimination (SHE)
Flat 102, Sri Kataksham
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