What is your greatest thing you can thank God For?

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Aimekim Eben-Ezer

Nov 24, 2015, 10:25:08 AM11/24/15
to cocom, coco...@yahoogroups.com

What is your greatest thing you can thank God For?

It is undeniable this week in America people regardless their religion, ethnic, social, political status wait with anticipation the “Thanksgiving Day”. Businesses and schools will close, for some hospitality business employees would work for a limited time, to give them time celebrate. Jobless, homeless, sick, elderly people are not forsaken some philanthropic organizations and churches are working tirelessly to provide food and drink to them. No one is left behind as we celebrate the “Day” that encompasses the shared common good.

All the festivities that characterize “Thanksgiving Day” are indicative of people expression of their thankfulness to God. However, their expressive attitudes vary from one person to another. There is no definitive and exclusive “thing” that people thank God for. For instance, someone may thank God for employment, healing, children, marriage, family, car, etc.

The brief observation of all the things that people thank God for makes me pathetic as I discover that the majority of people do not know the “greatest thing they can thank God for”. The main purpose of this message is to reveal that “Greatest thing”.

Before we arrive there I would present a biblical overview on how man comes into existence. Understanding our raison d’être in this world determines the efficacy of our gratitude to God. It is important to recall that God created man with two distinct components.

First, the material or physical component, that is, everything that makes man to be a man in the physical world. The Bible calls this component the “flesh”. A proper care of the flesh (such as nutrient food, affordable healthcare, civil tranquility, secured shelter or habitat, family care, good marriage, etc.) can contribute to a good longevity and merriment of life. It is in this part of human being that many of us find “things” we can thank God for as we testify the providence of God in our lives.

Second, the spiritual component, that is, the part of human being that communicates with God for  God is Spirit He effectively deals with us in spirit (John 4:24). The spirit commonly referred as soul sustains and gives meaning to our lives. This is the real man, the spirit of man lasts forever and is bound to render account before the Lord God for everything he/she did on earth. “For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing,” Ecclesiastes 12:14 and this judgment will be executed by Jesus as it is said there is a day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, Romans 2:16.

Now, let us go back in the Bible to see in the beginning how God created man. There are two patterns to understand the God created man. First, He created a statue from clay or dust. A statue has no motion, is lifeless. Second, God breathed into the “mannequin” man’s nostril the breath of life and man becomes a living being. After that God allows man to enjoy freely earthly life in without minimizing the lordship of God, Gen. 2: 7-8. God bestows man everything pertaining to life. There was no death, sickness, anxiety, war, strife, etc. Everything was harmoniously perfect until the day man willfully decided to rebel against God via Satan, Gen. 3:1-24. For Satan wanted to usurp the worship and allegiance that man gives to God.

Therefore, this rebellion opens the door to all evils that we experience in this world now. This rebellion affects not only man’s relationship with God but also puts the whole world into total condemnation. Man spirit is also condemned to exist in horrendous pain forever. This is one of the attributes of God, Justice.

So, pastor Aime, what is the greatest think to thank God for? If He will destroy us all! We would rather eat and enjoy now for tomorrow we exist no more, we die.

No at all, I do not want you to take this annihilistic view of life but I want you on this Thanksgiving season to give your life, your everything, your body and spirit back to God through Jesus so that your spirit can be renewed deprived of condemnation as it is said there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ, Romans 8:1.

You may not like Jesus today but on your last on earth before your spirit (soul) transit from this earth to the other side you will encounter Jesus because He is not only Alpha but also Omega. Jesus holds the destiny of your life at His hands He is always willing to preserve your spirit from eternal turmoil if you accepts Him today as your Lord and Savior.

The mercy of God is the greatest thing to God for.

The narrative or story of the Bible in Genesis 3 reveals something that will amaze you greatly. In the midst of God’s judgment or justice you will notice God’s mercy as the Lord God made a garment out of an animal skin of skin cover Adam and Eve’s nakedness. This gesture is an indicative God’s protective measure toward man. Despite man’s rebellion God offers a way out to salvation. Unfortunately, man does not grasps God’s mercy, man sometimes obeys for moment but when the pain or trouble evaporates man recommences his rebellious acts. You will see this pattern over and over in the Bible as man always rule out God’s mercy in his life.

The mercy of God is more than forgiveness it is also restorative. God will restore your whole being for His own glory if you are penitent and grateful to Him. In mercy both healthy people and sick people, rich and poor, man and woman, adult and child, black and white come together as we will be able to transcend the frailty of our bodies and worldly injustice and transports us to the immeasurable love of God.

The mercy of God is well expressed in the life, ministry, death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Jesus has come to forgive our sins so we can have life here on earth and when this earth is destroyed or our lives cease to exist on earth, we will have another life in new earth where there will be no death, sickness, famine, war, strife, etc.

Before Jesus to be born the angel announced to Joseph “Mary will bear a Son, and you shall call him Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins,” Matthew 1:21. And Jesus Himself adds that: “this good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all nations. And then the end will come,” Matthew 24:14.

God bless you all,

Aime Eben-Ezer

Love Evangelical Church

Aimekim Eben-Ezer

Nov 24, 2015, 10:51:47 AM11/24/15
to coco...@yahoogroups.com

What is your greatest thing you can thank God For?

It is undeniable this week in America people regardless their religion, ethnic, social, political status wait with anticipation the “Thanksgiving Day”. Businesses and schools will close, for some hospitality business employees would work for a limited time, to give them time celebrate. Jobless, homeless, sick, elderly people are not forsaken some philanthropic organizations and churches are working tirelessly to provide food and drink to them. No one is left behind as we celebrate the “Day” that encompasses the shared common good.

All the festivities that characterize “Thanksgiving Day” are indicative of people expression of their thankfulness to God. However, their expressive attitudes vary from one person to another. There is no definitive and exclusive “thing” that people thank God for. For instance, someone may thank God for employment, healing, children, marriage, family, car, etc.

The brief observation of all the things that people thank God for makes me pathetic as I discover that the majority of people do not know the “greatest thing they can thank God for”. The main purpose of this message is to reveal that “Greatest thing”.

Before we arrive there I would present a biblical overview on how man comes into existence. Understanding our raison d’être in this world determines the efficacy of our gratitude to God. It is important to recall that God created man with two distinct components.

First, the material or physical component, that is, everything that makes man to be a man in the physical world. The Bible calls this component the “flesh”. A proper care of the flesh (such as nutrient food, affordable healthcare, civil tranquility, secured shelter or habitat, family care, good marriage, etc.) can contribute to a good longevity and merriment of life. It is in this part of human being that many of us find “things” we can thank God for as we testify the providence of God in our lives.

Second, the spiritual component, that is, the part of human being that communicates with God for  God is Spirit He effectively deals with us in spirit (John 4:24). The spirit commonly referred as soul sustains and gives meaning to our lives. This is the real man, the spirit of man lasts forever and is bound to render account before the Lord God for everything he/she did on earth. “For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing,” Ecclesiastes 12:14 and this judgment will be executed by Jesus as it is said there is a day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, Romans 2:16.

Now, let us go back in the Bible to see in the beginning how God created man. There are two patterns to understand the God created man. First, He created a statue from clay or dust. A statue has no motion, is lifeless. Second, God breathed into the “mannequin” man’s nostril the breath of life and man becomes a living being. After that God allows man to enjoy freely earthly life in without minimizing the lordship of God, Gen. 2: 7-8. God bestows man everything pertaining to life. There was no death, sickness, anxiety, war, strife, etc. Everything was harmoniously perfect until the day man willfully decided to rebel against God via Satan, Gen. 3:1-24. For Satan wanted to usurp the worship and allegiance that man gives to God.

Therefore, this rebellion opens the door to all evils that we experience in this world now. This rebellion affects not only man’s relationship with God but also puts the whole world into total condemnation. Man spirit is also condemned to exist in horrendous pain forever. This is one of the attributes of God, Justice.

So, pastor Aime, what is the greatest think to thank God for? If He will destroy us all! We would rather eat and enjoy now for tomorrow we exist no more, we die.

No at all, I do not want you to take this annihilistic view of life but I want you on this Thanksgiving season to give your life, your everything, your body and spirit back to God through Jesus so that your spirit can be renewed deprived of condemnation as it is said there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ, Romans 8:1.

You may not like Jesus today but on your last on earth before your spirit (soul) transit from this earth to the other side you will encounter Jesus because He is not only Alpha but also Omega. Jesus holds the destiny of your life at His hands He is always willing to preserve your spirit from eternal turmoil if you accepts Him today as your Lord and Savior.

The mercy of God is the greatest thing to thank God for.

The narrative or story of the Bible in Genesis 3 reveals something that will amaze you greatly. In the midst of God’s judgment or justice you will notice God’s mercy as the Lord God made a garment out of an animal skin of skin cover Adam and Eve’s nakedness. This gesture is an indicative God’s protective measure toward man. Despite man’s rebellion God offers a way out to salvation. Unfortunately, man does not grasps God’s mercy, man sometimes obeys for moment but when the pain or trouble evaporates man recommences his rebellious acts. You will see this pattern over and over in the Bible as man always rule out God’s mercy in his life.

The mercy of God is more than forgiveness it is also restorative. God will restore your whole being for His own glory if you are penitent and grateful to Him. In mercy both healthy people and sick people, rich and poor, man and woman, adult and child, black and white come together as we will be able to transcend the frailty of our bodies and worldly injustice and transports us to the immeasurable love of God.

The mercy of God is well expressed in the life, ministry, death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Jesus has come to forgive our sins so we can have life here on earth and when this earth is destroyed or our lives cease to exist on earth, we will have another life in new earth where there will be no death, sickness, famine, war, strife, etc.

Before Jesus to be born the angel announced to Joseph “Mary will bear a Son, and you shall call him Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins,” Matthew 1:21. And Jesus Himself adds that: “this good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all nations. And then the end will come,” Matthew 24:14.

God bless you,

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