a little poll

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Erik Colson

Jul 15, 2013, 10:47:01 AM7/15/13
to CocoaHeads Belgium

Before I buy a new laptop, I'm concidering if I should take a QWERTY or
an AZERTY one. So I'd like to have a little poll from belgian MACOS
developers :

- are you using QWERTY or AZERTY ?

- do you think QWERTY laptops sell better in second hand ?

Thanks for your answers !
erik colson

Piet Jaspers

Jul 15, 2013, 11:07:00 AM7/15/13
to cocoah...@googlegroups.com

- brackets are easily accessible
- dot is easily accessible
- accents require some effort but I type more brackets than accents.

IMHO azerty is the fahrenheit of keyboard layouts.
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· Piet

Steven Vandeweghe

Jul 15, 2013, 11:18:45 AM7/15/13
to cocoah...@googlegroups.com
QWERTY (I buy the U.S. layout, not the "International English" one, but don't ask me why. It's a personal preference.)

Not easy to sell in Belgium, but not impossible either.


Kristof Van Landschoot

Jul 15, 2013, 11:47:48 AM7/15/13
to cocoah...@googlegroups.com
At a company I once worked for we had a small test for newly arriving programmers. We asked them which keyboard they wanted: azerty or qwerty. If they said azerty, well... not a very good first impression :)

My take: if you're a programmer you're going to live in an anglo-saxon world. These guys in the US decide where our default keyboard shortcuts are. These programming languages we write in use all sorts of symbols that are easily accessible on a qwerty-keyboard, on an azerty not so much. So as a programmer, I think the decision is easy. Use qwerty.

Raphael Sebbe

Jul 15, 2013, 1:10:53 PM7/15/13
to cocoah...@googlegroups.com
I once tried to switch to QWERTY following the advice of dev friends, but I could never adapt to it. I tried really hard.
Now if you take the International layout keyboard, I think you can relatively easily change it to QWERTY/AZERTY.

Try switching layout *before* buying the laptop, that way you'll be more confident of your choice.


Koenraad Van Nieuwenhove

Jul 15, 2013, 1:25:41 PM7/15/13
to cocoah...@googlegroups.com
For programming, definitely QWERTY (for all the reasons already given).

I learned typing on AZERTY (blind typing, even achieved 156 characters a minute if I remember correctly) but I would never go back to Azerty.

US layout is best for me because using the command and '`' key combination (to switch windows inside the app) is a lot easier (feels very cramped on the international layout).

PS. You could also buy the external bluetooth keyboard in the other layout.


Erik Colson

Jul 16, 2013, 11:34:01 AM7/16/13
to cocoah...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for your advices. I'm currently using my azerty keyboard mapped
to qwerty since yesterday evening. Must say this seems to work well for
me. Even accentuated chars in french aren't that particularly bad. The
one mistake I seem to make a lot is typing 'z' instead of 'w'.

It's most certainly true []{}|/;1234567890 are very well positioned,
however I figured () are not.. maybe I still need more adjustment time

btw Working in Emacs zith QWERTY rocks !

I'll report back after some more days.

erik colson
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