Conference: UIKonf, May 14-17 in Berlin

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Chris Eidhof

Feb 5, 2014, 4:52:01 AM2/5/14
Hey CocoaHeads,

I wanted to let you know that this year we're organizing the second edition of UIKonf: an English-speaking iOS Conference in Berlin from May 14-17.

It'll be 4 days of iOS awesomeness in Berlin: premium workshops, two conference days and a hackathon. And afterwards there's the weekend, where probably a lot of people will stay over to enjoy the city. We've already announced a couple of speakers, and you can currently vote on anonymous proposals to decide which talks you'd like to see this May.

We sold out student tickets and Early Birds, but regular tickets are still available. We’re really looking forward to see you.


Chris, on behalf of the UIKonf team.
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