Reduced cost and shadow price vectors are empty after a FBA

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Nov 18, 2018, 4:03:40 PM11/18/18
to COBRA Toolbox
Hello all,
              I computed steady-state fluxes in a genome-scale model using a FBA with quadratic minimization with the command  optimizeCbModel(model1, 'max', 'one'): . However, The vectors .y or .dual representing shadow prices of each metabolites are empty. The vectors .w and .rcost representing the reduced cost for each reaction are also empty. By contrast, when I compute a standard FBA with the command optimizeCbModel(model1, 'max') ., I can find full .y and .w vectors and it works well. I can also model the same growth rate (field .f = 0.11) with both types of FBA. However, with the FBA with quadratic minmization the field .obj gives 538.43. By contrast, in the standard FBA, the field .obj gives the correct growth rate (i.e., 0.11) of the .f field. Are reduced costs and shadow prices computed for FBA with quadratic minimization ? Does anyone have any idea why I cannot compute reduced costs and shadow prices when using one type of FBA? Why do I find a difference between the .obj and the .f field for one type of FBA, but not the other?

Thank you very much for your help,

Thomas Pfau

Nov 19, 2018, 12:55:42 AM11/19/18

Hi Michael,

With respect to the first part of your question:
The problem here is with the normalization ('one'), which, after solving the original problem, also solves a secondary problem (absolute flux minimisation).
Since the problem solves a secondary problem with a different objective, reduced costs and shadow prices, would either have to be referring to the secondary problem (which is not representing the actual objective, so your properties correspond to a different objective than the maximisation), or they would be invalid, as the provided solution is no longer the solution returned from the initial solving.
Therefore we decided not to return anything in these instances. If you want to get shadow prices/reduced costs for those objectives I would suggest to build the LPs yourself (the initial one is simply created by running 'buildLPproblemFromModel' for the second one I would suggest following the code in optimizeCbModel) and get the individual reduced Cost / shadow Prices, or modify the optimizeCbModel function to not delete those values but rather provide them (for whichever problem you want them from).

For your second part:
solution.obj is the objective of the actual solved problem (in case of quadratic regularization, this is sol.x' * model.c + sol.x' * minNorm*speye(numel(model.rxns))*sol.x) while sol.f is the objective value as defined in the model structure. Admittedly, this is confusing and not well documented, so if you want, feel free to update the documentation here.



On 18.11.18 22:03, 'Michel_Lavoie' via COBRA Toolbox wrote:


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Nov 19, 2018, 9:17:51 AM11/19/18
to COBRA Toolbox
Thanks Thomas for your help. I understand now that with the normalization ('one'), there would be reduced costs and shadow prices for 2 separated objectives and hence it would be difficult to interpret those results. Then, perhaps, using the gene deletion analysis (with the command : singleRxnDeletion()) would be a better way to study the robustness of the predicted growth rate to reaction deletion of each of the reaction separately. If I am not mistaken, I saw in the source code of ' singleRxnDeletion()'  that it computes a FBA with a normalization 'one' for a model with each of the reaction deleted one by one.
Regarding the part of my question about the .f and .obj field in the cobra model, I am still confused. I guess the .f field represent the value of the objective function (i.e., the growth rate), but I do not understand what '.obj' refer to. Could you please tell me physically what is the '.obj' value?


Le lundi 19 novembre 2018 00:55:42 UTC-5, Thomas Pfau a écrit :

Hi Michael,

With respect to the first part of your question:
The problem here is with the normalization ('one'), which, after solving the original problem, also solves a secondary problem (absolute flux minimisation).
Since the problem solves a secondary problem with a different objective, reduced costs and shadow prices, would either have to be referring to the secondary problem (which is not representing the actual objective, so your properties correspond to a different objective than the maximisation), or they would be invalid, as the provided solution is no longer the solution returned from the initial solving.
Therefore we decided not to return anything in these instances. If you want to get shadow prices/reduced costs for those objectives I would suggest to build the LPs yourself (the initial one is simply created by running 'buildLPproblemFromModel' for the second one I would suggest following the code in optimizeCbModel) and get the individual reduced Cost / shadow Prices, or modify the optimizeCbModel function to not delete those values but rather provide them (for whichever problem you want them from).

For your second part:
solution.obj is the objective of the actual solved problem (in case of quadratic regularization, this is sol.x' * model.c + sol.x' * minNorm*speye(numel(model.rxns))*sol.x) while sol.f is the objective value as defined in the model structure. Admittedly, this is confusing and not well documented, so if you want, feel free to update the documentation here.



On 18.11.18 22:03, 'Michel_Lavoie' via COBRA Toolbox wrote:


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Hello all,
              I computed steady-state fluxes in a genome-scale model using a FBA with quadratic minimization with the command  optimizeCbModel(model1, 'max', 'one'): . However, The vectors .y or .dual representing shadow prices of each metabolites are empty. The vectors .w and .rcost representing the reduced cost for each reaction are also empty. By contrast, when I compute a standard FBA with the command optimizeCbModel(model1, 'max') ., I can find full .y and .w vectors and it works well. I can also model the same growth rate (field .f = 0.11) with both types of FBA. However, with the FBA with quadratic minmization the field .obj gives 538.43. By contrast, in the standard FBA, the field .obj gives the correct growth rate (i.e., 0.11) of the .f field. Are reduced costs and shadow prices computed for FBA with quadratic minimization ? Does anyone have any idea why I cannot compute reduced costs and shadow prices when using one type of FBA? Why do I find a difference between the .obj and the .f field for one type of FBA, but not the other?

Thank you very much for your help,

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Thomas Pfau

Nov 20, 2018, 12:43:03 AM11/20/18

Hi Michel,

If you want to see the robustnes to reaction deletion, than yes, I would suggest that. However, I would actually suggest to rather get a pure FBA solution and the corresponding reduced costs/shadow prices and try to interpret those, as singleRxnDeletion is much more strict in that essential reactions will be associated with a 0 value, while other reactions might actually have a higher cost if they get reduced. Maybe a combination of both approaches would be something to consider.

As for obj vs f:

obj is the objective value as returned by solveCobraLP for the actual LP problem solved, while f is the value returned for the objective in the model.
For backward compatability reasons we keep a lot of values from the solveCobraLP call in the returned solution, like e.g. the obj field but their meaning can be off (if subproblems are solved these fields are not adapted).
This might be changed in the future but for now, they will stay in the solution



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Ronan M.T. Fleming

Nov 20, 2018, 6:15:21 AM11/20/18
Hi Michael,

we have a tension here between multiple factors. If we keep extra
fields for backward compatibility, there is a risk that they become
inconsistent, which they should not be. That will need to be fixed. If
we pass back the dual variables from an optimisation problem, it may
not always be understood that optimizeCbModel(model, 'max', 'one') and
optimizeCbModel(model1, 'max', 1e-6) are different optimisation
problems. I think we need to consider this issue some more, because it
may be worse to not provide any dual variables at all, rather than
provide them and risk that the are mis-interpreted.


Mr. Ronan MT Fleming B.V.M.S. Dip. Math. Ph.D.
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