fastFVA cplexv12.10

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Sofi Z

Apr 21, 2023, 11:36:42 AM4/21/23
to COBRA Toolbox
Hi Community,

I have installed CPLEX version 12.10 and MATLAB 19b which should be compatible. And cplexFVA1210.mexw64 is in the fastFVA folder (nothing else) which is the mexfile for CPLEX version 1210 windows 64 bits I believe .When I try to run fastFVA in the pairwise interaction module however I get the following error:

> The version of CPLEX is 1210.
Output argument "newestCplexBin" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "fastFVA>checkFastFVAbin".

Error in fastFVA

Error in computeParetoOptimality (line 120)
[minFlux, maxFlux, optsol, ret] = fastFVA(model, 99.9, 'max');

And when running testfastFVA I get the following error:

>> testFastFVA
Each model.subSystems{x} is a character array, and this format is retained.
 > The version of CPLEX is 1210.
Output argument "newestCplexBin" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "fastFVA>checkFastFVAbin".

Error in fastFVA

Error in testFastFVA (line 46)
        fvaminSerial, fvamaxSerial, statussolminSerial, statussolmaxSerial] = fastFVA(model, optPercentage, [], solverName,

Could anyone help with this?

Best wishes,

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