Question about great blue herons

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Marcia Wade - Lafayette, Boulder County

2020年6月29日 23:13:362020/6/29
收件人 Colorado Birds
I have a question about great blue herons.  At the nest I have been watching since it was built at Hecla Pond, the parents have apparently left.  I have not seen them for two days.  One of the two juveniles can fly, and the other one not so much.  When I went today, there was only one juvenile in nest, and a little while later, I saw a heron flying around the island the platform is on..  At first I thought it was one of the parents, but was disabused of that notion when he crashed into the tree next to the platform.  He proceeded to flap around frantically in the tree trying to get back to the nest.  The other one went to edge of platform and watched all this attentively, and later I saw him in a tree on the other side of the platform, but I didn't see whether he hopped or flew there.  Eventually they both got back into the nest.  My question is whether the parents would leave them before they can take care of themselves.  Last year, the same (I assume) parents did not disappear until both babies were flying and could forage for themselves (I watched them fight over a crawfish one had caught right after the parents left - it was a hoot).  Anybody know the answer?  Thanks in advance.

Gary Bowen (Thornton)

2020年6月30日 07:46:102020/6/30
收件人 Colorado Birds
I have spent too much time watching GBHs and have seen this behavior numerous times. Hunger is a great motivator - I think the parents do it deliberately. Never fear though as the parents probably aren't too far away and will do a flyby checkup during the day.

Gary Bowen, Thornton

Karen Axe

2020年6月30日 12:28:232020/6/30
收件人 Colorado Birds
I was reading up on their nesting behavior and apparently the parents feed Them several times a day at the beginning and just before they fledge it’s down to twice a day. I watched them a couple weeks ago and was surprised to see how long the parents left them alone in the nest.
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