Grandview Cemetery (Larimer County), 9/28/13

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Austin Hess

28.09.2013, 23:38:4728.09.13
Found the Northern Parula Dave Leatherman saw in the same exact spot (large Northern Hackberry tree on the very northeast corner of section 1 in the southwestern part of the cemetery) early this morning. That tree was hoppin' with stuff, including Orange-crowned Warblers, a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and what looked like a possible young Chestnut-sided Warbler, but I couldn't get a clean look. 

Most interesting bird this morning was an EASTERN PHOEBE on the right edge of a shorter tree in the very southeastern corner of the cemetery looking across the creek and bridge near parking lot area facing northeast. We were standing right next to that water pump building or whatever that thing is. 

Also had my first of season Brown Creeper. 25 species total. 

Austin Hess
Fort Collins, Colorado 

robert beauchamp

30.09.2013, 22:59:2330.09.13
While I could not locate the Northern Parula at Grandview Cemetary this afternoon, there were two Great Horned Owls making quite a show of things at 5:00 p.m. The lighting at that time is great for photographing. One buzzed right by me with a squirrel in his talons.
Robert Beauchamp
Fort Collins
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