Zang's Spur, Colorado, bird list for April

55 צפיות
מעבר להודעה הראשונה שלא נקראה

John Tumasonis

לא נקראה,
30 באפר׳ 2022, 18:56:5030.4.2022
עד Colorado Birds
To:  Colorado Birds:

Zang's Spur, is more commonly know as Broomfield CO;    :)    

Broomfield Bird list:  4/23/22 thru 4/30/22
Notes:  waterfowl migrant species rapidly decreasing;  hotspots are Plaster Reservoir and Alex&Michael's Pond.  All sightings are within Broomfield unless otherwise noted.  
Pr = present in several or many locations
Pl = Plaster Reservoir
B = Brunner Reservoir
Br = Broomfield Commons
L = Broomfield Library Pond
LH - Legacy Highschool area
N = Nissen Reservoir #2
G = Glasser Reservoir
J = Josh's Pond
AM = Alex and Michael's Pond
RT - Ridge Trail
W = Westlake Park

Pied billed grebe - Pl
American white pelican - Pl, AM, B, W (up to 55 at AM)
Double crested cormorant - Pl, W
Black crowned night heron - AM (3)
Snowy egret - AM (5)
Great blue heron - Pl, B, N, J, AM, W
Canada goose - Pr
Cackling goose - L, W
Mallad - Pr
Gadwall - Pl
Green winged teal - N
American widgeon - Pl, B, W, AM, W
Northern shoveler - Pl, AM, L
Blue winged teal - AM
Cinammon teal - Pl, B, J
Canvasback - Pl
Ringnecked duck - Pl, B, N
Lesser scaup - Pl, B, N
Common goldeneye - G
Bufflehead - Pl
Common merganser - Pl
Hooded merganser - B
Ruddy duck - B
Turkey vulture - LH, RT
Bald eagle - LH, RT
Cooper's hawk - Pr, in many locations, plus nesting at AM
Red tailed hawk - Pr and nesting
Swainson's hawk - AM, G
American kestrel - Pr
American coot - Pl, B, N
Killdeer - Pr
American avocet - AM (11)
Ring billed gull - Pl (numbers decreasing)
Common pigeon - Pr
Eurasian collared dove - Pr
Mourning dove - Pr
Great horned owl - 136th and Cedar - nesting
Belted kingfisher - LH
Northern flicker - Pr
Downy woodpecker - Pr
Say's phoebe - Pr
Blue jay - Pr
Black billed magpie - AM, Pl
American crow - Pr
Tree swallow - J - large flock
Barn swallow - Pr
Bushtit - Pr
Black capped chickadee - Pr
White breasted nuthatch - Pr
House wren - N, RT - inspecting bird boxes
Marsh wren - Pl (3) - search reeds, not cattails
American robin - Pr
European starling - Pr
Broad tailed hummingbird - RT
Audubon's warbler - Pl, AM (all males)
Western kingbird - RT
Spotted towhee - AM
Vesper sparrow - BT
Song sparrow - Pr
White crowned sparrow - Walgreen's near Zuni and Midway
Chipping sparrow - RT, AM
Western meadowlark - BT, RT
Red winged blackbird - Pr
Common grackle - Pr
Brewer's blackbird - G, BC
House finch - Pr
American goldfinch - Pr
House sparrow - Pr

Animals by sign or direct observation:
Red fox
Black tailed prairie dog
Fox squirrel
Eastern cottontail

Cheers,  John T (Tumasonis), Zang's Spur, Colorado
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