Bird Conservancy of the Rockies - Chico Basin Ranch Banding Report 5/14

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May 14, 2021, 4:10:43 PM5/14/21
to Colorado Birds
Today was a great day at the banding station, our busiest of the season by far, with lots of birds and birders passing through. Our highlights for the day were a Red-eyed Vireo and a Rock Wren, as well as the various expected warblers and finally our first Bullock's Oriole and Yellow-breasted Chat. In total we processed 55 birds of 20 species, including 3 recaptures from prior years. To put this in perspective for this spring season thus far, our first 2 weeks (7 days of banding total) we banded 55 birds (plus a handful of recaptures) so we roughly equaled that in a single day today. Here are the totals:

House Wren - 7
Least Flycatcher - 1
Dusky Flycatcher - 2
Yellow Warbler - 9
Wilson's Warbler - 2
Orange-crowned Warbler - 1 
'Audubon's' Yellow-rumped Warbler - 3
Common Yellowthroat - 4
MacGillivray's Warbler - 4
American Goldfinch - 1
Lincoln's Sparrow - 7
Rock Wren - 1
Red-eyed Vireo - 1
Swainson's Thrush - 2
Yellow-breasted Chat - 2
Gray Catbird - 2
Spotted Towhee - 1
Brown Thrasher - 1
Western Kingbird - 1 recap from 2020
Bullock's Oriole - 1 new and 2 recaps from 2018

We are open 3 days per week (Friday - Sunday) through May 30th. We'll also be open Thurs May 20th. Chico Basin Ranch is once again open to the public and visitors are welcome at the banding station, click here for more details on visiting. We are opening nets at about 5:30am and continuing for 5 hours, depending on weather. 

Colin Woolley
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies

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