Re: {Seattle Campaign For Liberty} John G. has 2pm meeting with Rep. Chase on the 14th of Jan.

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Rachel H. for LPWA Communications

Jan 5, 2010, 4:52:00 PM1/5/10
to,, Eugenio Pablo Canto del Halcon,,, Toby Nixon, Debbie Shapiro
Tomorrow night (Wed. 6th) there is a meeting of the Seattle Chapter of the Transpartisan Alliance - details below.

It's a great opportunity to network with some political activists, and to learn more about another movement.  I hope that some of you can join us.  If you would like to attend, pls call either Franca (# below) or me 206.769.2492.

Thanks, and hope to see some of you.  :o)

Act In Liberty,

Rachel Hawkridge
Chair, Libertarian Party of Washington
Libertarian National Committee
Region 7 Representative

"When you see that in order to produce, you must obtain permission from men who produce nothing ... and your laws don't protect you against them but protect them against you ... you may know that  your society is doomed."
                      -- Francisco d'Anconia in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged

The latest news from the Transpartisan Alliance
Also, the proposed agenda for our Wednesday, January 6, 6:30-9:00pm Seattle meeting. TA co-founder Joseph McCormick will be with us as well.

5:30-6:00PM Introduction to TA for first time participants (optional) (or by phone 206/963-0283 before the meeting)
6:00- 6:30PM Socializing
6:30-9:00PM General Meeting
a) Vision and Action Plan of TA—led by TA co-founder Joseph McCormick
b) Discussion of use of political labels and stereotyping of each other
c) In-depth dialogue about guns/gun ownership with focus on personal stories and/or other topic.
d) Action plan for TA Seattle

The meeting will take place at the Greenwood Senior Center, 525 N 85th Street, Seattle 98103 (Forest Room downstairs). Space is limited so please let us know how many "guests" you are planning to bring.
The event is also posted on site. I invite you to join the network if you have not done so.
With gratitude and warm holiday wishes,
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